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Do you ever just crave chaos? Crave to be afraid or want to wreak havoc on the world around you?

I do. I feel it all the time.

But only a select number of people know that side of me; Katrina, Layla and Tara are the only ones who have any kind of idea who I really am.

I've always sought out people like me, I'm drawn towards them, I feel myself being pulled towards them when they're near. I crave to be around those like me, but I push away when they look like a reflection in a mirror.

I need to be around people who are like me, but not so much like me that they pull me right into the deep end without a life-vest.

Kat, Layla and Tara are those people. They like a little mischief, we get up to our own trouble, but they also keep me in check. We cross lines, we get into trouble, but there's some lines we never cross. The things we do just wouldn't be appreciated by the people in town.

We keep our reputations in tact, everyone sees us as the golden girls of Beaumont Prep. The four girls who do no wrong, we all get perfect grades, babysit, and go to church... we're perfect.

Except when we're alone.

Just the four of us.

Father Leo would be disappointed.

"So, we doing this or what?" Kat asks as she swings a leg over the bench seat attached to our lunch table.

The 'this' in question, is a party. A party being held on the first Friday of the school year, its tradition, especially for the graduating class, which includes us four.

We were invited, but it was just a 'hey, we need to invite you but we don't really want to' kind of situation. No one expected us to go, we're the golden girls after all, we don't do parties, or drugs, or sex.

Except for when we do.

"I can't, I promised Mrs. Porter that I'd babysit Friday night" I reply, stabbing into my salad with my fork. I don't even bother looking up, I already know they're going to try and fight me on this one.

"C'mon Will, it's our senior year, we deserve to have a little fun before we're all ripped apart and across country from one another" Layla says, being as over dramatic as always.

I look up at her through my lashes, raising my eyebrows and smiling just slightly. "We're still gonna be friends wether or not I'm down the street from you guys, besides, I need the money."

"You're no fun" Tara pouts.

Kat throws her arms around me, shaking me back and forth, "let's show everyone who we are, I'm tired of being little miss perfect all the time Will" she whines. "We can all head over after Mrs. Porter gets home. We can be fashionably late."

All three of them jut their bottom lips out, giving me puppy dog eyes and guilting me into this. I'm going to regret saying yes.

"Fine, but my parents are not to know" I threaten.

"Deal!" They say at the same time, massive smiles taking over their faces.

Screams erupt from across the cafeteria, drawing everyones attention to the group of guys. They blast music and push each other around, they do whatever they want because they can get away with it.

I'm jealous of them, we all are. Theres no expectations for them to do well in school, there's no one getting them in trouble for the shit they pull cause it won't stop them anyway.

I wish I could be like that, reckless and unhinged, completely out in the open for everyone to watch.

Most of their large group takes a seat in the back corner, far away from the rest of the student body, but four of our least favourite men look right at us and strut their way over.

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