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Willow avoided me at church.

Now to anyone else that statement wouldn't seem all that out of the ordinary, but it was. Normally when I try to speak to her, or walk up to her she makes some sassy remark or flips me off behind everyones backs, but this time was different.

She fully ignored my presence, when I tried to go talk to her she walked away from me and her friends did the exact same thing. Willow usually hangs out after with her parents and chats with the other families but this time she left as soon as the service was over.

I spent the rest of the night fighting with myself over all of this. I get I'm a piece of shit, I treated her like garbage back then but I didn't want to break her, I just wanted to show her that there was so much more to her, that she had so much more potential in this world.

Willow Grant is one of a kind, she's perfect in every way.

I'm messed up in the head, but so is she. We both thrive off of the chaos, doing things we know we shouldn't do but it feels so good anyway. That little voice in the back of your head telling you to be reckless is ignored by so many, but giving in is so freeing, it's like releasing yourself from all expectations and realizing that the things people have told you your entire life may not be true.

I know that the guys have tried to contact their little demons as well, but like me none of them have managed to get through to them. Willow likes to think her girls are above us, that they would never dare to stoop so low as to love our little broken group, but she's wrong.

Her friends have secrets too, they've had their time or two of weakness, and despite what they all claim, we're their kryptonite.

This is why I'm so worried, normally my friends can get through to them, talk to them, be the secret little couples that they want to be... but we're all iced out.

Maybe this time, I've actually hurt her.

Those tears, the way she was looking at me, it was pure pain. Her heart was being broken all over again, like that day when we were kids.

Walking into school I'm determined to talk to her, I need her to see that I'm sorry, I need her to know that this isn't what I really wanted. She's the one I want, and that's only ever been my goal.

The halls are full, buzzing with excitement over the new found 'demons' running around our town, except none of them realize that the secret little group is actually their favourite golden girls.

I keep my eyes peeled for Willow, watching for her long blonde hair to pop out through the crowd, or to hear her laugh as she walks past with her friends, but it's like she's not even here.

I don't see her at all, and by the time that second period is about to start I lose a little hope, maybe she stayed home today to avoid me, maybe things are really that bad.

Matteo: Layla says that Willow's at school, she's just taking the long way to her classes to avoid you

Chase: Ou burn, that must hurt

Me: Shut it Mathews

Anthony: Kat says Willow is really upset, she's never seen her like this before...


Well, at least the guys have slowly started getting their girls back, now I want mine.

Me: Chase, any word on your front?

Chase: Nah, Tara is a tough nut to crack.

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