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I have to hold back my giggles as I run through the empty halls. Everyone is in the cafeteria for lunch, meaning that my fun with Royce won't be observed by anyone.

A bolt of excitement flutters through me as I hear a low growl come from the girls bathroom, Royce slams the door open and looks around the halls before his eyes land on me. Something animalistic is raging in those beautiful brown eyes of his.

I hate him, I have to for what he did to me, but what I said to him in that bathroom is nothing but true. I was his the first day I laid eyes on him, and I'm his now.

Theres a very slim line between love and hate, and I feel myself teetering on the edge. I'm drawn to him like a moth to a flame, he created me, and that part of me wants nothing more than to be the reason why he wakes up in the morning.

I've lied to myself for so long, so long about how I truly feel about him, and hearing him apologize broke down —no, shattered— the walls I built and exposed my ugly heart to the reality of things.

He's mine, and I'm his.

The kids we once were are no more, those little, innocent souls who didn't know any better, are long gone. We would run into danger without thinking because we didn't understand what was happening, and we would hurt those around us because we were afraid of the new emotions overtaking our beings.

My feet move as fast as they can, slapping against the tilled floors, racing to get away from the beast that I've awoken in the sandy-haired boy who I thought hated me all these years.

His footsteps aren't far behind me when I enter the stairwell, the sound of the door opening behind me sends even more adrenaline into my system as I enter the second floor.

Knowing that Royce Bailey is the one chasing after me this time fulfills the hole that was left in the little girl who wanted nothing more than to be loved. Royce is coming after me because he wants me, because I'm something that has taken over his soul and haunted his dreams.

He all but admitted to being in love with me, and the girly part of me that dreams of fairytales and romance is screaming to be let out, screaming to be set free so she can enjoy every twisted moment. I refuse to let that happen though, there is still too much unknown about him that makes this dangerous, my heart has taken one devastating blow, I don't think it can take another.

When I hear him laughing behind me, I let out a string of giggles, feeling at home for the first time in years.

My breathing hitches when I realize I just referred to the boy I swore I hated for so long, as home. But that's the truth isn't it? Royce Bailey is my home. He was there at the beginning of me, and he's here in the middle, will he be there for the end?

He's the same as me, twisted and messed up, craving something dark to feel whole. He may have gone about it the wrong way, but he saw who I truly was before anyone else, he pushed me into realizing it myself.

I look over my shoulder to see him closer than before, his eyes dark with desire and a smile wicked like the devil as he chases after his prey... as he chases after me.

My hands slam into the door to the library, a silent place where no one resides. Mondays the library is supposed to be closed, allowing the librarian a day to leave her tomb and explore the outside world.

I managed to convince her to lend me the key so I could work on a school project, the perks of being a goody-goody I guess.

The lights are off and the air is stagnant, an eerie silence overtakes as I quickly duck behind a set of bookshelves. I try to slow my breathing as I wait for Royce to enter, and moments later he does.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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