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My heart beats out of my chest, my eyes grow wide and I feel like I'm about to throw up.

How the hell did he know it was me?

I was talking, so maybe he recognized my voice?

No, I was talking in a higher pitch than I usually do.

He can't see my face, only my blonde hair peeks out from underneath my hoodie, but that wouldn't be enough to know it was me for sure.

I'm one of the golden girls, there would be no reason for him to suspect it's me.

"Is this what you get up to when no ones looking?" He asks, voice cold and calm, "do you get into trouble when no one notices you? Do things for the thrill of it when you know that no one suspects you?"

I feel my body beginning to shake, but I force it away and hold myself strong. I will not break.

"So it was you and the other golden girls who set the fires in the town square a couple weeks ago? It was you who smashed in the police car?" His voice sends chills up my spine, his hot breath fans my ear as he moves in closer to my body.

We never leave anything behind when we do our adventures, we never leave a note or some calling card like idiots. We don't want the attention, we don't really feed off of people knowing it's us. Like Royce said, we like the thrill of it, we like seeing everyone confused and scared but we don't need the attention that others need.

I always found psychopathic serial killers interesting, such uncaring, cold, people, but they somehow need the attention from others to thrive.

How does one not care, but care all in the same moment.

So how the hell does he know it was our little group and not someone else?

"You've been a bad girl Kitty Kat, why don't you ever let me have any of the fun with you?" Anthony coos.

I feel Kat stiffen next to me, her hand brushes mine as we both stand silent.

I watch from the corner of my eye as Anthony's hand brushes over Kat's waist, he traces the curves of her body, feeling everything he's ever wanted.

It's no secret that the boys want us, they make it very clear, they've made it clear since freshman year.

But we never let them have it, to everyone else we aren't interested, and to each other we all secretly know we like it. It's never talked about, we never actually say it, but we all know it's there.

The way we naturally gravitate towards them, the way we're intrigued by them and their uncaring ways.

I like Royce, he excites me, he doesn't treat me like some helpless creature like the rest of the town does. He's always seen a little deeper, seen the demon inside of me, but that's as far as I go.

The other girls dance the line between crush and love, and while they're annoyed by a lot of what the boys do, I see it in their eyes. I see the hunger.

It's very similar to how we all look at one another.

Neither of us know how to get out of this without confirming what they already know. We're fucked.

Royce's hand suddenly drops from my mouth, I whip around and take a couple steps back, getting ready to defend myself before I see why he actually dropped his hand.

Kat rushes up next to me, we both stare at Anthony and Royce with knifes to their throats, Layla and Tara standing behind them.

I love my girls.

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