The villains plan (short)

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Sorry for the short chapter everyone I'm just busy this morning, I hope you can understand

Narrators point of view

In jinxes layer

Dabi walked in to wear toga and twice were trying to get the machine ready for another jump: i'm not sure about having you two idiots work on this machine

Toga jumping down from a massive machine that could open a hole through dimensions: that's me don't forget we're the ones who brought you here!

Twice somewhat joining in on the fit: yeah be respectful! No it's no problem at all

Dabi: Whatever have you at least figured out how the stupid thing works on that stupid ass Crystal. Just doesn't make any sense why is it that we can get twice back so easily when he's been dead longer than our great leader

Twice: I have a theory, I have not got the slightest clue!

Toga: it might have something to do with me since I was the first one of us to come through the portal and then it was twice so it could be something to do with the fact that me and twice spend a lot of time together before he died. I mean that would make sense when we brought you here because we spent time together it could be that the crystal is getting people that we've had contact with what about that other guy we saw the ending guy that wanted to die I don't remember ever meeting him before?

Dabi answer the question: probably because I'm the one who got him released and sent him after endeavour, so the crystal finds people we spent time with the most and then brings them here. Then why can't we get our leader back there's three of us and we all spend time with him much to my regret

Toga: well then it's probably because he's dead, we might have just got unlucky with twice coming back from the dead we might need some help

Dabi growled: we wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't lose the girl that we need to make the damn machine work and how did you lose you've got obsessed again with you wanna be boyfriend

Toga taking offence to that raising her knife to his throat: don't test me, you are not my type but I will cut you if you get on my nerves

The first born of endeavour even flinch, you just step back and chest at this little disagreement: whatever so we need to get an expert track and working for us where the hell are we gonna find one of those apparently these crystals are brand spanking new in this pathetic world

Twice came up with an idea sort of: oh no I have an idea it's a fantastic one, no it's not that good at all!

The temporary leader of the villains was getting annoyed with the craziness that was going around: spit it out you idiot

Twice hesitated for a moment and then he pointed to something that they brought back when they did the attack on progress day a poster of the man of progress. Toga smiled and wicked smile as she was beginning to understand what the doubler meant: let's not steal an expert let's steal the guy that came up with the whole thing

Dabi: Great idea except I don't think we can get away with kidnapping a literal figure of the government and get away with it even if that was an issue there's still only three of us despite the lack of superpowers in this world I don't think we can take on an entire army

Toga smiling and getting on the machine: well then it's a good thing we figured out how to some work this stupid thing, we can bring some of our friends to play and we can have the Vanguard action squad back! All that be fun to do an assault  we did back in the camp just like the old days

Twice: it was only a couple of months for me, no it was super long ago!

Dabi smiled he had to admit the clan that the crazy people have come up with Had merit, any currency in the other way around the problem they were facing so he said go for it and the villains continuously activate the machine to get the Vanguard action squad back and possibly some extra players to throw at the enemy

Okay everyone I hope you've enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote and I will see you all next time

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