Ending part 1 (not the actual ending)

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Vi point of view

Did I hear that right?! This crazy guy wants izuku To kill him?! What kind of creep are we dealing with, he just ambushed me and my sister took cupcakes parents hostages and the only thing he has is a ransom is that he wants to die?

What is this stuff made out of, he's wrapped me up so tight I can barely move my hands on the same thing goes for my sister and Caitlins parents I can see that they're struggling but it's no use whatever the stuff is it's really strong

Izuku And him clearly have some sort of history, but it doesn't seem like march in the conversation they had It seems like it they thought before but izuku wasn't his target someone named endeavour?

The guy who like to be called ending started hugging them self creepily:Yeah I know heroes don't kill people even when things get crazy but... You you did didn't you I heard the rumours you did it didn't you you broke your stupid rules to save lives think of this as something like that it should make things more easier for you so please do it!!! end ending!!!

Iuzku.....Kill someone? No that can't be right I mean I know I've only known him for a few days he doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that, this guy is clearly psychotic and he did say that he heard rumours that doesn't mean it's true still though I have to wonder did he actually do it did he kill someone

Izuku walked down the steps calmly: i'm not going to kill you ending, you need help please put them down and we can get you a therapist or do you need help

Ending didn't seem to like that idea: No!! What I need is to die, it's the only thing I've got left to see you and endeavour I can already tell you've had so much more that I could possibly ever have not in 1 million years I so the only thing I've got left in this life is how I'm going to die that's the only thing that I have left and it should be my choice on how I die! Since endeavour couldn't do it and he's lost his The light he wants shown before I have to go with the next best thing which is you please annihilate me with those sparks of yours that bright up the sky and bring hope to others it's the only way!!!!  If you don't then...

Ending brings me forward and start pointing a sharp arrow in my cheek, This is how he's going to do it he's gonna threaten to kill us to get izuku to kill him before that: don't think I won't kill her! Or any of the others you need to do it you need to end me!!

A few seconds passed by and nothing happened, izuku Expression he didn't seem phased by the situation and then suddenly smoke started to come out from his body and quickly too soon he was engulfed by the smoke along with cupcake. Then a second later there was a flash of green lightning and ending was thrown to the wall and our restraints were destroyed

We all Falls to floor with a Bang it hurt a bit but at least we're out of that maniacs grip now, izuku is standing over all of us hovering in the air looking at the direction where ending was launched out of the building then back down to us

Izuku: you all stay here and find cover I'll take care of him

I don't like that plan if we work together we can beat him easily: no we stick together and we can beat him

Izuku: No we can't, this needs to be a one on one fight if you guys get involved there's a chance you'll be taken hostage again and The smoke screen trick I did only works once against opponents.

I protest: no we can work together I won't get taken hostage again I promise

izuku: I appreciate that you want vi but if I have any chance of beating him I have to go use the percentage of my car that could be harmful to my surroundings are so knowing that you guys are all safely behind me and away from me will be more than enough help please I can't hold back when it comes to this guy

Caitlin: He's right will be just getting in the way we need to do is let him fight by him self he beat this lunatic want I'm sure he can beat him

I don't very much like it but they do have a point we were pretty much helpless when it came to that guy he ambushed us and we didn't even stand a chance we just getting in the way: fine we'll hang back for now but do me a favour kick that guys ass

The green haired boy give me a thumbs up before flying off in the direction of the villain

Cupcakes Mum complains: my goodness look at the damage to our lovely Home!!

Caitlin yells at her mother: seriously Mum that is what you're concerned about right now not the fact that there's a lunatic on the loose!

Topsiders always concerned about Their image specially those on the council, my sister put her hand up confusing everyone but then she speaks:um hi but am I the only one that's going to point this out that the lunatic said that our little friend killed someone?

That is true and it has me rattled as well, I know I haven't known him that long but the idea that izuku killing someone just doesn't add up he's way too coldhearted for that, he wouldn't kill someone... Then again if someone else's life depended on it he might....

Yep that's right I'm leaving it on a bit of a cliffhanger sorry but I still need a bit more time figuring out how the fight between ending and Deku Will go mainly because we don't really see much of endings fighting skills so I have to come up with it by myself, but don't worry it shouldn't be that long until I updated anyway see you soon don't forget to leave a comment and a vote because it shows your support see you

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