Part 12 -why me...-

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Now we go back to when our hero was captured by the devil named vetis who used a spell and brought Jin's parents back from the dead to fight against him.

3 person pov:

Jin woke up after his fight vetis strapped to a chair with glowing chains.

Jin: ugh. Where am I?

Jin tried to break the chains with his powers but he couldn't use his powers

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Jin tried to break the chains with his powers but he couldn't use his powers.

He tried to look at his surroundings but his eyes were covered with a cloth.

while He was trying to figure out where He was he heard footsteps followed by vetis' voice which approached him from the front.

Vetis: so you finally woke up.

Vetis said that sentence more as statement than a quastion.

As he was standing in front of Jin he removed the cloth covering Jin's eyes.

Jin: it's, you.

Vetis: hello again.

Jin: what do you plan on doing to me?

Vetis: simple, that bastard who killed your parents thinks he can just use the likes of me to capture you. I don't know what he wants to do with you, but NO! I will not let a naïve bastard like him use me like I'm a worthless pawn! To make sure that never happens, I will be the one to absorb you, the one who will wield your power! And your right now thinking 'but don't high ranking devils turn to orbs of light that grant the victorious warrior a new power or a weapon when defeated and killed?' Yes but, with the help of a forbidden spell, I can absorb you, with all your powers.

Jin: *eyes widen*

Vetis: But......there are two drawbacks to the spell......

After Vetis said that, Jin started to listen intently to what the devil had to say next.

Vetis: number one, when I absorb not only do I get your powers but the weaknesses that you have too with and without your devil powers so I need to make you immune to most things such as extreme low or high temperatures and increase your pain tolerance without your devil power. To put it in simple words, when I absorb you, when my devil magic is cancelled with a spell or anything of the source, I will basically be a weak human. Number two, this spell needs a lot of power meaning I can only do it once.

After Vetis' long lecture about how he was going to absorb Jin. He brought his hand forward and chanted a spell.

Vetis: parādās.

As Vetis said that the ground a table and a few strange devices which were placed on top of it appeared seemingly out of thin air.

Vetis: which one should I pick? This one.

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