A few years after Vergil and Dante sealed the doorway to the devil realm and trap themselves there Nero and kyrie have a child called Jin they had a good life until tragedy struck a mysterious devil suddenly attacked and killed Jin's mother his fath...
Now we go back to our hero after his third meeting with the unknown devil and Vetis had just entered the room to torment the young boy again.
3 person pov:
Vetis: I am back little sparda.
Vetis after clearly making his presence known to the young boy started to make his towards him.
Vetis: so you regenerated again huh? You spardas really are something. Well those wounds won't stay healed for long.
When Vetis said that he picked up the mace and made his way towards the young boy and started to beat him mercilessly. Then after Vetis was done shattering the young boys bones he proceeded to cut of his toes and rip of his nails with the tools he used to many times before. After that he used the cleaver to slash Jin and rip of a portion of the young boys skin with hand. But this time...
Jin did not scream...
Not even the smallest of sounds escaped the mouth of the young boy.
This made Vetis give off a sinister grin...
After Vetis was done he said some thing that made the young silver haired devil hunter worry a bit, even though. He didn't felt any pain during the torture.
Vetis: I have two good news for me and one for you. first of all looks like the spell I implanted on those tolls actually worked! The spell was specifically made by me to destroy your pain receptors based on the type of damage they implant! For example; the type of pain receptors that were destroyed by the usage of the tools I used to cut off your skin, flesh and break your destroyed your mechanical pain receptors. Second this is the good news for you; it looks like your regeneration has grown immensely sense the beginning of the torture! Finally, this is the good news that I've been lusting to tell you is that I got a lot of new tools to use on you sense now that one type of your pain receptors is destroyed! Ahahahahah! Isn't that great?!
Vetis said all of those sentences as if he was a child whose father just bought him a new toy that he has been begging for a long time to get.
(Alright I know at least some of the people reading this chapter might know what pain receptors are. But for those that don't know what they are here's a simple and short explanation. Pain receptors are basically nerves that make you feel pain there are three types of them 'mechanical receptors' [pinch, pressure] 'heat receptors' and 'chemical receptors'[poison and toxins] so yea that's it)
Vetis: pārādas!
Vetis used the same spell that he used to summon the torture tools since he captured Jin.
Then in an instance, a table with what appeared along with it a glowing orange and red light filled up the chamber. Not that Jin acknowledged the sudden appearance of the light thanks to the cloth covering both his eyes.
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