Prologue -I lost them...-

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Nero pov:
It's been five years since Vergil and Dante sealed the devil realm along with themselves inside there. me and kyrie now have a kid a son to be exact he is a really good and talented kid.

Nero: alright today is Jin's fifth birthday.

Nero: I'll go as kyrie to see if the Birthday cake is ready.

Nero: hey Kyrie is the birthday cake ready yet?

(Author's note: I don't know if she can cook but let's just say she can.)

Kyrie: yea I just need to put on the dressing.

Nero: ok, we're going to surprise him.

Kyrie: yep.

Nero: I'm going to get his presents ready.

Kyrie: ok.

I went to get Jin's presents ready.

(Authors note: they live in a place away from the city like sparda and Eva did and the reason is the government paid them around 20 million for stopping urizen Nero wanted to split the money but lady and Trish declined saying "it ruins the fun" and nico took just enough to start her own gunsmith shop but she still works with them most of the time so yea Just wanted to make that clear)

Now we cut of to a five year old boy who is walking alone in the forest not far away from the married couple this boy has white (silver) relatively long hair dark blue eyes he wears a dark blue hoodie that has a gray hat on the back of it black pants and dark green shoes we see him walking around the forest

Now we cut of to a five year old boy who is walking alone in the forest not far away from the married couple this boy has white (silver) relatively long hair dark blue eyes he wears a dark blue hoodie that has a gray hat on the back of it black pa...

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(What he is wearing)

Jin's pov:

Jin: I have been walking around the forest for a while now today is a very peaceful day but, I have a strange feeling that something is going to happen.

I look up in the sky and see the sun is about to set, my mother said to be back before night because father and her have a surprise for me.

Jin: well time to go back home.

I started walking back home

Time skip

Jin: i finally arrived back.

Jin: i finally arrived back

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