Wakey wakey

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That's the last thing you can remember.
Maybe you'd passed out..? Fallen asleep? It happens frequently so you're not surprised.
You were wrong. More than wrong.

Hawkins lab had been monitoring your every move, every breathe - every episode. You were like a live movie to them.
See, you were powerful. Not as in body strength and all that jazz - you had powers, telekinesis to be exact...

Blinding lights fill your eyes, burning your pupils.
"Wakey wakey, Sleepyhead"
you couldn't see them, your eyes were blurred - but their voice was calming. Your body ached - and soon you knew , or had an idea , of what had happened.
"Who are you! Where am I? I want to go home!"
Your voice breaks - you never liked home, but you had to say something.
"Don't worry, sleepyhead. All will be answered soon enough, Papa will answer some - and so will I. - I'm Peter, I monitor all you...special ones in here. See, you're not alone. You know you're special, right? Magical? We all are here..I mean most. Teens your age and younger have all been brought here to control those abilities and powers. And so will you. With the help from me and papa, of course."
Your vision starts to come into focus, the guy had blonde hair - mesmerising eyes. He was beautiful.
"Uh-" you try remembering his name
"Peter.." he says, grinning whilst crouching down to your level.
"Peter..I Uhm..where's this..uh.papa?"
"He'll be here any seco-" he's interrupted as a white haired man enters the room, raising an eyebrow at you, smiling.
Everyone was smiling. It was fucking creepy.
He picks you up, like you're a feather and carries you out the room - Peter follows.
I've got to think now..
You punch Brenner in the throat - he drops you and you climb to your feet, running to find an exit - the shoes you're wearing are making you slide about.
"Don't just stand there, idiots, get her!" Brenner glares at the guards - then turns to Peter.
"Yes papa?"
"You watch that girl - 1 - she's going to be tricky.."
"Yes..papa" Peter grins before turning on his heel with his arms behind his back. He ventures off to find the missing girl..number 022.

You're trying to open the elevator
"Hurry up! Come on! Come on!!" You look behind you, guards catching up. They grab you by your arms - you resist but they are quite physically stronger than you.
"Let me GO!" As you shout, the two guards fly into the air, Hitting their backs off the ceiling and walls.
What have you done..you promised not to hurt anyone.
You sink to the ground, blood drips from your nose.
"Well well, there's no need to mope , little lamb - you must be lost..let's get you back,Hm? To the rainbow room.." you recognise that voice, it's Peter. You just sit there, letting the blood drip from your nose - ignoring the blonde boy who seemed to be quite comforting.
"Now don't ignore me, 22 , we need to start your training.."
22? What's that supposed to mean?
"22?" You ask, mumbling at the least
"That's your number, is it not?" He clicks his tongue - lifting up your sleeve, revealing a tattoo with the number '022' on your wrist.
"Sick bastards.." you mumble
"What was that?" He raises an eyebrow - pulling his trousers up at the knees - crouching down next to you. "We don't tolerate that language here, 22."
You get up - running some more before you open two doors which lead you to a room - rainbows on the floor, children playing - all with shaved heads.
"What the-" you look around the room - being cut off
" I see you found the rainbow room yourself, Hm? Clever girl.." Peter puts his finger under your chin, lifting your head - you stare into his eyes as he offers a warm smile. You have a weird gut feeling. His face inches closer to yours - you were about the same age - maybe a bit younger - you were possibly the oldest...test subject, here. Your eyes widen as he gets closer to your face - when all of a sudden he pulls out a tissue - wiping the blood from your face - he grins as he sees you roll your eyes.
"Now, you may go do as you please, but - only in this room.." Peter pushes you forwards gently - only then, he stands next to the doors, his arms behind his back

Sleepyhead || PETER BALLARD X READER ;)Where stories live. Discover now