Dr Mark..

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You were left alone in your room to listen to your own thoughts. The love bites Peter had left hurt a little but you didn't mind. God what he just did made you feel so...well we won't go there...

You kept replaying the moment in your head - bitting your lip.

After a while, you sneak out of your room - pacing the hallways - looking for something to do. You trace your hands along the walls - there was no one out except the workers - and even they were nowhere to be seen..
You turn a corner - coming face to face with a worker.
"What are you doing out here, pretty girl?" He grins - grabbing your face
"And to think Brenner took you here for experiments..such a pretty little thing"
You glare at him - " let me go, you creep!"
"Let you go? Where will you go?"
"Somewhere away from you. Pervert!"
He tightens his grip - but out of the blue, he gets hit round the face.
"You let go of her, Dr mark. Go, go now! Don't make me get Brenner..he wouldn't like knowing he's hired a Pervert!"
Dr mark nods - walking away quickly.
Peter watches him walk fully away before pulling you round the corner. He pulls you in for a hug - kissing the top of your head.
"Are you okay, doll? Did that freak hurt you?"
You shake your head, "just scared me for a second.."
"I'll hurt him if he touches you again, alright?"
Nodding, you sigh.
"What were you doing out of your room? You'll get in trouble.."
" I was just exploring. These bedrooms are so boring.."
He chuckles - picking you up over his shoulder and carrying to your room.
"We should all stay in our rooms when told to. Things could happen if you're out and about without permission."
You roll your eyes as he drops you on your bed. He chuckles - "see, I would kiss you, but you did escape from your room..so I won't."
You sigh
"But~...I'm feeling generous" he kisses you - before pulling something out from under the bed. They were like cuffs - he strapped them to the bed and quickly around your legs.
"I can't have you escaping again, can I? That Dr Mark could easily sweep you up from me.."
"Peter get these things off me!" You glare at him
"Why? So you can go get attention of the Drs? When you're here, they can't lay an eye or a touch on you."
He leaves the room - locking the door behind him.
"Stupid bastard.."
His protectiveness made you feel loved - sure Eddie loved you, but Peters dominance topped his. Peter was scary yet kind. Eddie was weird, yet kind.
A few days later, you're all in the dining hall eating dinner. It was quite good - one of the best meals you've had here. You and two were talking at the table about all sorts of things; what each of you could do with your powers and the most powerful thing you've done with them.

Peter wasn't here. That sort of worried you. Maybe he was being punished?
You couldn't guess, but that might be the reason.

You try looking for his thoughts, but nothing. He was either asleep..or dead.. he couldn't be dead though - it was impossible.
Maybe he was just out of reach? That could be a reason.
You'll find out later though - you were starving and you still had a whole plate of food.
Making your way back to your room, you hear a thump - it was coming from the cleaning cupboard.
You open the door.
And Dr Mark.
Jesus they were fighting! There were bruises all up Dr Mark and Peter had a few cuts.
Peter turns around -
"Twenty two? What are you doing here?"
"Tell your little pet , Peter , to get his hands off me, twenty two."
"He's not my pet, Dr. And why don't your take your hands off him.."
Dr marks hands were around peters throat.
"Now, Dr Mark."
He goes to punch Peter - but before he could you smash him into the shelf.
"I didn't want to use my powers on you , Dr, but you made it obvious that you're incompetent.."
Peter grins , walking out and locking the door behind him.
"Are you alright, Peter?"
"I'm fine, doll, thanks for the help."
He smiles , kissing your forehead.

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