Our new winner

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"Looks like we have a new winner!" Papa smiles, pleased with 22 - "since you won, 22 , you have an hour of free time in the rainbow room - pick someone to go with you, though, May I state - Peter will be watching." He taps the side of his nose, waiting for you to pick someone.
Your eyes dart around the children - sighing, you point at 11 - she smiles gently before getting up.
"Thank..you" she blurts out - she seemed only to be able to speak little words..
"No problem..eleven?" The girl nods - as Peter places a light hand on both of the yours and elevens shoulder.
"Come now, sunshines, you have an hour of free time!" He gleams as he leads you both back to the familiar room.
You and eleven, El, go off to do your own thing.
With Peter watching you closely, it's hard to even have one simple glance his way. You just wanted to see his eyes..but, not staring directly at you.
You sit on the floor, zoning out - using your powers. It was something you could do - enter the thoughts of others..
What's he thinking about...
You wander into his thoughts, there was many - how can one think of this many things..you stop and stare at the image of you, he's thinking of you now. You chuckle.
How sweet..
You venture further - coming across something that seemed like a murder -you shake your head as you can hear someone calling your name..well number.
Gasping back to reality - your eyes focus on the man, Peter.
"Ah, they we go doll, you're back now - Hm? Enjoy your travels?" He grabs you by the arm , taking you back to your room - "we don't enter our seniors thoughts unless it's a lesson - 22! Gosh you're so nosey! Sleep, now."
"What do you mean..sleep? I'm not tired! Plus I'm nearly a fully grown adult - don't treat me like a child you...you weirdo!"
He somewhat growls deeply before glaring at you.
"You make it so difficult, 22! Sleep or else I will have to drug you!"
"Fuck off.."
He sighs, pushing his hair back - taking a needle and injecting you.
"You..ducking...fucking..bitch.." you fall into a light sleep, he watches over you, sighing.
"Oh..you poor, poor thing..just wait...I will find us a way out, me , you and eleven. We shall become a great team - me and you closer than us all." He grins - watching the red flash of the camera.

Sleepyhead || PETER BALLARD X READER ;)Where stories live. Discover now