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A few days later~

School! Finally! You'd be back.

"Why do I have to go? I'm nearly 21 years old.."
"It'll be fun! You'll make friends. Plus the last time you went to school was however long ago!" You smile, taking his hand and meeting Eddie in his van.
"You two lovebirds ready?" He grins.
... you nudge Peter.
"Remember, don't act weird, no powers and don't act like a weird babysitter.."
"Yeah, dude, none of that. That'll make it easier for the lab to find you pair." Eddie starts driving you both.
"We will have the same classes, and at lunch and break we will meet Eddie in the cafeteria. His friends will buy us food!" You smile - Peter smiles abit. Finally. A smile since we've been out.

You arrive at school. People seemed shocked to see you back. You just smile and wave - Peter trailing behind you - like Jasper in that one scene:

 You just smile and wave - Peter trailing behind you - like Jasper in that one scene:

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"Why are people staring, y/n?"
You chuckle. "They think I'm dead or something, don't worry."
The bell rings - making Peter jump.
"Hey! Don't worry, it's just the bell.."
Making your way to class, you take the two back seats.
It was maths. Least favourite subject. EVER!
Peter was on fire. He knew every answer to every question. Such a show off.
"Show off.." you mutter under your breath.
He laughs - whispering "just cause I'm smart..and you're dumb"
"Yeah right!"
"You two! Quiet or detention with me."
"Sorry sir-"
"Sorry, sir-"
You both smile.

•lunch time•

"Hey lovebirds!"
"Eddie! Hey!"
"How was class, Peter" Eddie smiles - they'd been getting along for a little bit.
"It was good, thanks. What about yours?"
"Oh you know, I'm climbing my way up to a D"
You smile. "That's great, Eddie."
He smiles.
"You guys up for hellfire after school?"
"Hellfire? What does he mean??"
"It's a game, love. And sure - we'll play."

Sleepyhead || PETER BALLARD X READER ;)Where stories live. Discover now