Chapter 5: Friday Night Lights, and Fights.

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We walk inside and the stadium looks even more packed than the amount of cars out there. I don't know what it was but something strong washed over me, I felt excited to be doing this. I didn't feel scared or worried of what would happen, I just felt. Okay, in that moment.

Shyanne leads me to the Student Section in the stand, there's tons of people dressed in neon colors, We stand down at the front, right behind the railing. I was constantly moving around talking to people, and I had never had so much fun so fast. Out of those people I got a few friends snapchats.

Jack, Hannah, and Ayden.

I stood by them since I could not find Hannah through all the crazy amounts of people.

Suddenly a loud horn honked. Indicating the first quarter was starting. I watched as all the players ran out into the field.

I looked and cheered as I watched the linemen, and linebackers, and quarterback do their thing. When the ball was thrown to number 7, everyone started cheering loudly as he ran down the field.

Everyone in the student section was cheering...his name. Jake.

I cheered to and cheered even louder when he made the touchdown.

The crowd on our side was cheering like crazy. After all that cheering I decided I was gonna go get a drink from concession. I told Hannah to save my spot, and Jack went with me.

"One Sweet Tea please.", I say handing them $2.

"You know, I've never seen you this outgoing this entire first week that you've been here.", Jack says looking at me.

"Eh. I guess it's takes time. I just had to find people I'm comfortable with first.", I smile.

"Well that's good. Oh me, Hannah, and Ayden want to go to Chipotle to eat after the game is over. Are you down?"

I nod grabbing my sweet tea. "Sounds awesome im in."

I found it hard to hear myself not being so hesitant about everything. But I was starting to loosen up and it felt great. I go back into the Student Section and stand by Jack.

I cheered and hollered during the next 3 quarters. Our team played amazing, but something happened to one of our lineman and it cost us a touchdown.

By the end of the 4th quarter, we were down 3 points.

There were 12 seconds left and we were only halfway down the field.

We all listened in agony as the players ran on the field like madmen. I watched the ball get thrown 36 feet to Jake. We all erupted into cheer and watched as he ran into the endzone right as the timer goes off. We all jump and scream in joy. I watch Ruby go bonkers and cheer, for who I'm assuming is Jake.

"Wow can you believe he just did that!?!?", Jack says in awe.

"He's really good.", I say staring.

Me, Jack, Hannah, and Ayden waited around just talking to people. Shyanne unfortunately had to go home early.

Hannah eventually said she and Ayden were gonna go get the car and pull it around front. Leaving me and Jack their.

We walked under the bleachers and were going to round a corner when Jack suddenly pulls me back.

"Stop. Look.", he says pointing to a couple of football players dressed in blue and red.

Those must be the mustangs. As our team is black and white.

"There's no way.", one of them is saying.

"Exactly. That ref had to be a fan of him, or had to be biased or something!",  another one of them chimes in.

Just then Jake appears from behind the corner. "Hey guys go-"

"You know you cheated.", says one of the guys.

"Wait what.", Jake looks at him.

The three mustangs begin to circle him.

"We don't like people who don't play fair", one of them hisses.

"Calm the fuck down. Go home and accept the fact you fucking lost.

"No can do. Were gonna teach you a fucking lesson."

"Maybe. JUST MAYBE. you'll be able to play your next fucking game fair."

I watched as the taunted him as the circled him. Something bold came over me, and I couldn't let them hurt him.

One of them was about to push them, but I steppes in between him and Jake.

"What are you doing here pretty little lady?", he asks.

"Getting you assholes the fuck out of here."

"Oh and how exactly do you expect do that .", he says getting in my face.

I pushed him, and surprisingly he fell.

"Get. The fuck out of here. Now.", I say getting in his face.

He stands up and brushes himself off. He's about to do something to me when a bus horn goes off.

He mutters a fuck under his breath. As he turns around and walks away.

"Lets go boys.", he says.

"Your lucky your pretty, and lucky you got saved by the bus, or you'd be in a world of hurt.", another one of them says.

I look at Jake who has his fists all balled up.

"Jake stop.", I say looking up at him.

"Gabrielle they just threatened to fucking hurt you.", he says.

"Its fine there gone now."

Just then Lucas and a couple other of Jake's friends emerge from the locker room.

I turn around and walk back to Jack.

"Lets go.", I say.

"You know I wouldn't have let him lay a hand on you.", Jack says as we walk and get into Hannah's car.

I nod smiling at Jack.

"About time!", hannah says driving off.

Where you guys been", ayden says.

"There was a little...situation.", I say.

"Yeah. It was nothing.", Jack says.

I look at him who's trying not to laugh. I shush him and sit back in my sit.

The rest of the night was amazing. It was finally the weekend and I was starting it off right.

That night at Chipotle. I had the most fun I've ever had in months. I had amazing laughs with Hannah, Ayden, and Jack. And I got to know the kinds of people they were.

As much as I could believe it, I was starting to accept the moving on factor.

Although I missed my old best friend dearly. I know he's always with me. Annd even with the things that remind me of him, that still bother me alot. 

Instead I've decided to try to embrace them.

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