Chapter One

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My arms relax down on the mattress, my whole body molding onto hers. Both of our skin is slick with sweat and evidence of what we just did. I push our lips to meet back together, a slow kiss compared to the fast-paced passion from before.

"Last time was supposed to be the last time," Monica whispers against my cheek.

I roll my eyes as I slide to the right of her body, both of us still under her light pink floral bedsheet. "You say that every time."

My hand reaches up to push a small lock of black hair behind her ear, but it's stopped when she leans her cheek heavily into it. I lose sight of her gorgeous blue eyes as she closes them. She is peaceful, silent and I can't look away. It's moments like this that I find her the most beautiful.

Slowly, I reach my other hand to the small of her waist, pulling her gently as close to me as possible. She lets me comfort her in the post-sex haze and it almost has me laughing with joy.

It makes me arrogant.

"What if tomorrow... I don't know... maybe I take you out? Like a real date," I say, my voice stained with hope. It's a stupid way to ruin the tranquility.

She immediately starts leaving my arms, suddenly very alert. "Oh Sky, why do you always start this?"

"Sweetheart, please don't be annoyed. It's just a thought," I beg.

"Well stop," she snaps. There's no real animosity in her tone, just exhaustion.

I'll admit, I've asked this question a few times, always hoping for a new answer and expecting to be disappointed. It's worth it, though, because the hope keeps me coming back.

She finds a hoodie on the floor and pulls it over her head. It's mine, almost making me grin if only it weren't for her small huffs of annoyance. Silence accompanies us for a few moments as she continues to scrounge up clothes to wear and to clean from her floor.

Tears well up in my eyes. I'm not quite sure why, this has happened before. I'm aware of what I'm signing up for every time I've walk into this room the past few months. I just can't seem to help it, it's exhausting being unwanted.

I sit up on the bed, my legs hanging off the side.

"Darlin'?" I get her attention. "Are we just back where we were a decade ago? Because I can't relive highschool all over again. And, I know you just came to me because of losing your job.. but..." I trail off, unsure where I'm going with this. A tear falls.

This causes her composure to break, she may seem like she doesn't care at times but she does. I know she does. I hope she does.

She walks around the bed to stand between my legs, gently taking my face in both her hands. Her beautiful porcelain skin contrasting against the warm mocha of my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Sky." She sighs softly. "How 'bout you come pick me up around six tomorrow?"

Instantly the tears leave my eyes and a surprised smile crawls onto my lips. "Really?" I cheer loudly.

She softly brings her finger to my lip with a shushing sound while simultaneously giggling at my enthusiasm. "Careful, Sky, Rach is in the next room. But, yes, really."

I instantly crash my lips against hers, both of us laughing quietly.

Pulling away, she sighs, "As much as I want to see where this leads, you have work."

I nod, hurrying to get up otherwise I'll be late for the second time this week.

"But, Sky-" I turn to face her as I head out the door. "Don't tell anyone, this will be a one time thing."

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