Chapter Two

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Rachel and I lay on the couch in her apartment; our heads rest on opposite sides, one of my legs hang off the edge and one of hers is thrown over the back so both of us can fit. It's painfully early in the morning so neither of us are talking much.

I break the comfortable silence. "So are you planning on forgiving Ross soon?"

Her head shoots up in offense, a strong glare making it's way in her face. "What?!"

"First of all, chill the fuck out, it was just a question. Second of all, is that a no?"

"Well..." She can't find an answer. "Well were you planning to tell me that something is going on with you and Monica again?"

I fight any visible reaction. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"You're a horrible liar."

I want to get up and walk away or turn my back so she can't see my face. But I'm too comfortable, and she knows me well enough to know that would mean I was lying.

"Nothings happening with us," I say. "I've... She caught me on a date with someone else... so it's awkward again, y'know?"

"Sure." She's smirking too much.

The door, fortunately, opens before she can't pull anything from me. Unfortunately, Monica is the one who walks in, and she looks far too surprised to see me for it to be normal.



She walks into the kitchen to start putting away groceries, not forgetting to roll her eyes at my answer.

"Need help?" Rachel asks, although we all know she has no intention of helping.

"No," Mon responds. "Hey, Rach, can I actually speak to Sky for a sec'? Privately?"

I hate the grin that crawls on Rachel's lips. At least Monica is turned the other direction.

"Yeah, of course. I was supposed to start my shift an hour ago anyway."

She leaves quickly and unnaturally, obviously trying to give us plenty of private time. She definitely knows.

I sit up to look at Monica over the back of the couch. And when the door closes behind Rachel, she sets down groceries on counter without putting them up.

Uh oh, must be serious if Monica is postponing organizing.

"How'd your date with Van Damme go?" I say. It's been three days since we were on the movie set.

She doesn't answer right away. Instead, she walks over and crouches on the other side of the couch, our noses are only a few inches apart and we're only separated by the back of the seat.

"Not good," she states softly.


Her thin fingers reach up slowly, grabbing a raven piece of straightened hair to tuck it behind my ear. Her bright pink lips curl into a beautiful little smile.

"Because I couldn't stop think about you, and how I'd rather be on a date with you. You'd know that if you weren't avoiding me," she says.

I pull my head back quickly, giving her an offended face. "I was working!" I've been caught in the office twenty-four/seven to prepare for the possible new partnership.

"Hmm... Ross said you both went to the movies yesterday." Okay maybe not twenty-four/seven per se.

"He lied!" I say, possibly considered a yell.

"You're so beautiful."

"You're deflecting! Ross is a liar, you have to believe me."

"How 'bout you let me kiss you and we act like I believe you?"

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