Chapter Four

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My apartment is near Phoebe's, on the other side of the city. So I don't have a tendency of staying here, evident by the lack of personal touches. It's plain, simple and feels nothing like a home.

I hate being here, if I'm being completely honest. Usually I stay at one of the friends' places, but with everyone out doing their own thing, I've decided to wait here.

The ring at the door is welcome reprieve from the mind-numbing book I was reading, I surely will not be picking that one up again. I think about finding a robe to cover my revealing nightgown, but when I check the peephole, I see it's someone who's much more of my body than what this dress reveals.

When I open the door, Monica immediately rushes in. "Look, I know- Do you always answer the door in your nightie?"

"Gee, babe, it's great to see you too."

She shakes her head, a small form of chastising herself. "Sorry."

Although she initially came in ready with a conversation, I watch her look around for a second. She soaks in the small living room and attached kitchen with two doors branching off. There's very little space for much of anything, there's a TV, a small brown couch, a few plants- all fake.

"Um, sweetheart, you've been here before..." I whisper.

She grins up at me, bringing her hands up to hold onto my waist. "I know, but usually we're busy when we stop by," she says with heavy implication on 'busy.'

Smiling at the memories, I leave a soft kiss on her forehead. The silence between us is comforting, we've always been able to find solace in the quiet between us. Even in high school we had these little moments where we'd just hold each other and soak everything in. I know we have to talk about the groups conversation this morning, but I enjoy this for a second anyway.

"I can't remember what I was saying. You're too distracting, I blame you," she giggles into my neck.

"I'm pretty sure you were going to explain this whole 'Richard' thing," I whisper into her hairline.

She sighs softly. "Yeah, I am."

Stepping out of the fog she placed on me, I lean against the wall a few feet in front of her.

"Chandler and Joey don't know what they were talking about. There's nothing going on with Richard," she starts.

"Then why did they act like there was something to tell your parents?" I ask, not wanting to come off as accusing but I'm desperate for more information.

"Because they're stupid!"

"My love, that can't be all it is."

Her eyes fall to the floor, which is her first admittance. This silence isn't nearly as comforting anymore.

The hair that falls on her forehead is blown up when she bubbles her cheeks and releases a harsh breath. "Maybe there would be something with Richard."

She shrugs softly, trying to mimic nonchalance about her words.

I try hopelessly to not jump to conclusions. "So...?"

"But I'm with you, so nothings going to happen."

I reflexively scoff. "Well, gosh, isn't that comforting? You're stuck with me."

Her eyes shoot up to mine, shocked by what I said. But honestly, was that a big leap from what she said?

"No! That's not what I meant." She raises her hands in defense.

"Then what do you mean? You basically already admitted there's something with him? I'm trying to not assume the worst, but it's hard here, baby." As I talk, I stride to the kitchen and grab myself a glass and a wine bottle. Obviously Monica isn't my comfort right now.

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