Chapter 2

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"May the Force be with you." Qui-Gon said as the hologram of Master Windu disappeared.

"Everything okay, Master?" Obi-Wan asked as he and Anakin enter the communications room of the ship. 

"Senator Amidala is the target of an assassination." Qui-Gon informed them. "There has already been two failed attempts and Ellie was injured when their ship exploded on the landing platform today. The council has ordered us to protect both her and the Senator until the assassin is found." 

Both men felt their stomach drop at the thought of Ellie being injured by the assassin. They thought about her after hearing her accomplishments as the Butterfly and becoming the Jedi Senator. They wanted to tell her how proud they are of her but for some reason, their bond with Ellie has been cut off so they won't be able to speak to her. 

Then, they felt anger at the sheer thought of her being killed by the same assassin that wanted Padme dead. They both want to find this person and put an end to it. They would do anything to protect their precious Butterfly. 


The men were in an elevator that was heading up to Ellie and Padme's shared apartment. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood calmly while Anakin fidget around his robe. He kept adjusting it to make himself look more presentable. Obi-Wan glanced over at his joint Padawan. 

"You seem a little on edge." Obi-Wan points out. 

"Not at all." Anakin said, trying to dismiss the conversation. 

"I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks." Obi-Wan said, continuing the conversation.

"You fell into that nightmare, Master. And I rescued you, remember?" Anakin reminded.

"Oh... yes." Obi-Wan replied as they look straight ahead before chuckling.

"Anakin, you're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath." Qui-Gon spoke to him.

"I haven't seen them in ten years, Master. Especially Ellie." Anakin said. "And our Force bond has grown weak. I haven't talked to her or felt her through the Force a lot over the years." 

Ellie's POV

"This is stupid." I muttered under my breath. 

I look out the balcony while listening to "Talkin to Me" by Amerie on my phone that I still have when I heard Jar Jar's loud voice. Soon enough, I turned around and saw everyone else looking at me. Oh, this is awkward. I quickly put my phone and headphones away before making my way towards them. 

As soon as I walked over to them, I was overwhelmed to see the men again. It has been ten years and they definitely have changed. Especially Obi-Wan and Anakin. Calm down, Ellie. Just act normal. 

"It's a great pleasure to see you again, Eliza." Qui-Gon greeted me. 

"It's been far too long, Master Jinn." I smiled as I shook his head before looking at Obi-Wan, "Obi-Wan, it's a pleasure to see you again. Love the mullet." 

"Thank you, Ellie." He said with his cheeks turning red from embarrassment. 

Then, I was face to face with Anakin." Ani? Holy shit, you definitely have grown." I said as I notice his height. Damn, he has grown much taller than me. He slowly approaches me, overwhelmed to see me again. 

"So have you." he said. "Grown more beautiful, I mean." 

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon both looked at him, disappointed in what he said. I looked shock as I never thought he would ever say that to me. 

"Well, f-for a Jedi Senator, I mean." Anakin said, trying to recover from his fuck up. 

"Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatoonie." I said to him as I smile at him. 

"Our presence here will be invisible, Senator. I can assure you." Qui-Gon said as we made our way to the couches. 

"I'm Captain Typho of Her Majesty's security service." Captain Typho introduced himself. "Queen Jamilia has been informed of your assignment. I am grateful you and Master Kenobi are here, Master Jinn. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit." 

"I don't need any more security. I need answers. I want to know who's trying to kill me." Padme spoke. 

"We are here to protect you, Senator, not to start an investigation." Qui-Gon answered. 

"We will find out who's trying to kill you, Padme. I promise you." Anakin spoke up.

"We will not exceed our mandate, my young Padawan learner." Obi-Wan interrupted sternly, not liking what he just heard. 

"I meant that in the interest of protecting her, Master." Anakin argued.

"We will not go through this exercise again, Anakin, and you will pay attention to our lead." Obi-Wan spats. 

"Why?" Anakin asked, defiantly. 

"What?" Obi-Wan questioned, disliking his sudden defiance. 

"Why else do you think we were assigned to her if not to find the killer?" Anakin asked with an attitude. "Protection is a job for local security, not Jedi. And especially if Ellie is capable to protect her herself. It's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate." 

"We will do exactly as the council has instructed. And you will learn your place, young one." Obi-Wan sternly, declared. 

"Are you two about done?" Qui-Gon steps in, making both of them look at him, embarrassed. 

"Perhaps with merely your presence, the mystery surrounding this threat will be revealed." Padme spoke up, trying to break the tension. 

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we will retire." I spoke up before getting up and going to my room. 

As I was walking beside Padme, I felt both Anakin and Obi-Wan's glance at me. 

Well, this is not how our reunion would look like....


"I know I'll feel better having you here." Captain Typho said to Qui-Gon. "I'll have an officer stationed on every floor and I'll be in the control center downstairs. 

"Mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, Ani." Jar Jar spoke to Anakin. 

"She hardly even recognized me, Jar Jar." Anakin said, glancing over at Ellie as she went to her room. "I've thought about her every day since we parted. She's forgotten me completely. All while our Force bond withered away to almost nothing." 

"Ellie's happy. Happier than I've seen her in a long time." Padme walks over as she spoke. 

"You're focusing on the negative, Anakin." Obi-Wan said, walking over to the group, trying to hold in his own jealousy. "Be mindful of your thoughts. She was pleased to see us." He added with a small smile. "Now, let's check the security." 

Obi-Wan and Jar Jar walked away while Padme and Anakin stayed back before Padme spoke, "She thought about you every day too, you know. Ellie often stayed up late most nights, trying to get through you through your shared connection. She hasn't forgotten about you too, Anakin." 

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