Chapter 14

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Ellie's POV

We snuck our way through the camp as there were a few male Tusken outside and their dog creatures fighting over bones, mostly from past victims. Just as long none of those bones were Maricela. I begin sense her presence until I reached the hut where her presence is the strongest. I cut my way through with a lightsaber and entered as quietly as possible. 

Candles lit but it was barely enough light to see. Then, I saw her.... my little sister, hanging from a wooden frame in the middle of the hut. I rushed over and cut her free. All bruised up and beaten. That was just on the outside. 

"Holy fuck, Maricela." Isla sobbed softly as we cradled her as we gently lowered her to the ground. 

"Isla....? Ellie...? Are you to save me?" Maricela breathed out. 

Fuck! She was on the brink of death as tears spilled from her eyes, hoping we would save her. Then, I looked down and saw my hands glowing as I did remember I'm the goddess of the Force. 

"Lower her." I told Isla. 

"What are you going to do?" She asked. 

"I'm going to save her." I told her as she lowered Maricela to the ground. 

I waved my hands as I released a golden gaseous cloud from my hands and into Maricela's nose and mouth. This went on for the next ten minutes before I was done. She closed her eyes and waited for ten seconds before all her injuries disappeared and she gasped for breath. 

"Isla! Ellie!" Maricela sobbed as she hugged both of us. 

"You think I was going to let you die out here?" I asked as I felt tears spill from my eyes. 

"I'm so happy!" She sobbed. 

After we pulled apart, Maricela looks at Anakin with curiosity and asked, "Who's that over there?" 

"That's Anakin. He came to help us come get you." I told her. 

She smiled as she runs up to him and hugs him as well. He blushed as she says, "Thank you!" 

He can only laughed as he says, "You're welcome, Maricela. I think we should leave before they captured all of us." 

"You're right. It's dangerous for us to stick around." I stood up and we snuck back out and got on our speeder bikes and speed all the way back to the homestead. 


We arrived back in the morning where everyone came out as soon as they heard us. They all hugged Maricela as they were happy she's alive and all healed up. I pulled Padme to the side and told her everything. 

"Maybe you're the goddess for a reason. You just proved that by saving Maricela." Padme confirmed with a smile. 

"I guess I'm the only one who has that Force ability." I sighed as I agreed with her. 

"Hello, I'm Isla, Ellie's older sister. I heard your name is Padme, right?" Isla asks as she approaches us. 

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you." Padme smiled as they shook hands. 

"You don't mind if I take Ellie away from you." She spoke. 

"Sure." Then, Isla pulls me to a room and closed the door. 

"So, when?" She asked. 

"When what?" I asked her. 

"Are you and Skywalker a couple and when did that happen?" Isla asked. 

"We're not a couple! We made that clear last night before you called me. We're Jedi, it's not allowed." I told her. 

"Aw, bullshit! I seen the way he looks at you and the way you look at him. Why not just go for it and follow your heart for once. The code don't mean shit when it comes to love and emotions." She told me. 

"A lot of things will come if I ever break the code for Anakin. And not to mention, I have feelings for his fucking joint master, Obi-Wan! Imagine wrestling two fucking guys who want nothing more than to be with you." I complained. 

"Why not go with that polygamy shit you so dreamed about when you were little." Isla smirked as I knew where she was going with this. 


"Hey, you will never known. You're the Butterfly of the Force, right? You should do whatever you want and get the men who desired... and women as I remember that you're also bi. What are you waiting for?" Isla scoffed. 

I slowly process what Isla was telling me. Maybe I should stop thinking like a Jedi Senator and start thinking like Ellie Cullen. I should be able to do whatever I want because I'm the goddess of the Force. 

"Who knows? You could have Shmi give you 'The Talk' before you decided to get married." Isla added. 

"Maybe she should have give me that when that night when I saved Qui-Gon and once everyone left the room, it was just me and Obi-Wan and....." 

"Already?! See, go for it! Give Skywalker the same treatment. You know..." She smirked before snapping her fingers and say, "Rock his fucking world." 

"I swear.... you want me to act like a thot." I groaned. 

"Why not?" She laughed, making me laugh right along with her. 


"See? We should convince her of that. At the end, we will all be happy together." Padme whispers as she and Anakin listen to the sisters' conversation. 

"I'm still surprised that Master Obi-Wan.... got with Ellie before me." Anakin grumbled as he was angry and jealous that Obi-Wan got Ellie before me. 

"You were little and he's a adult at the time. Don't be upset. After the assassin is caught, we can talk to Obi-Wan on joining us and if he says yes, we can convince Ellie that she can be with us all." Padme told him with a smile. 

Anakin thought about it as he didn't realized that he's seeing things completely different. Then, he says, "Let's hope he says yes. I don't want to lose her." 

"I don't either. Just like I don't wanna lose you two." She spoke before kissing him, "There's a way to rewrite the stars and only Ellie can do that for us all, especially you and Obi-Wan since you two are in a bond with her." 

"She'll be the stars, I'll be the sky, Obi-Wan's the sun, and you're the moon. That does sounds good, doesn't it?" Anakin asked with a chuckle. 

"It truly does. Just the way it was indeed to be." Padme smiles as she nods. 

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