5 - The Empress Dates

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Kise grinned, an idea popping up in his head. "For the next match, why don't we compete to see who can score the most points? We can bet on something random!"

Saturday came quicker than expected and like she promised, Sayori would be going on a date with Kise. It had been a while since she went out with the blonde, the last time was before their graduation. Or was it before he entered high school?

Humming as she brushed her long red hair, Sayori decided to leave it loose instead of tying it up. She wore a white skirt that went down to her knees with black stockings underneath and a short sleeved black shirt along with black flats. She grabbed her purse, letting the strap lay on her shoulder and did a twirl in the mirror.

She looked good enough for the date. Kise's type was a girl that wouldn't tie him down, other than that he didn't care. Unfortunately, he was already caught in Sayori's web and wouldn't be getting out any time soon.

He was a lovesick obsessed puppy after all. With and without her older brother's orders.

It was funny to think that the orders of Seijuro's to make Kise fake date her to keep boys away would end up in him falling in love with her and trying to get her to become his real girlfriend. The only thing keeping him back from trying to cross that line was his fear of his former captain. But that didn't completely stop his advances.

A smile graced her lips as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

'As long as Ryouta-kun is at my beck and call then I don't care what he does.'

Kise looked at his phone, his foot taping against the ground under him as he anxiously waited for his love. While he looked calm and collected on the outside, he was internally panicking, the only show of his true emotions coming from his bouncing foot and cold sweat running down the back of his neck.

Was he too early? Did he look eager? What would Sayori say? Does he look good for this date? Is he good enough? Would she like his new cologne which smelt like flowers that he bought specifically for her because he knew she liked the smell of flowers? Would she like what he planned to do for the day? Would she lose interest in him after this?

Would she ever truly love him?


His head shot up from his phone and he looked in front of him to see the girl who plagued his thoughts and dreams every damn second of the day and night.

"Sayoricchi!" Kise exclaimed, taking in every bit her form and outfit.

She just looked so perfect in his eyes. He could never see any imperfections with her.

Kise Ryouta was just so clouded by his love for her.

A pink blush covered his cheeks. "You look beautiful-ssu!"

Ah, she looked even lovelier when she smiled. Her giggles were music to his ears. "Thank you Ryouta-kun. You always look handsome as always, but you seemed to dress to impress today."

A smile was already on his face before he knew it. It was just a habit. He could never stop smiling around her.

"Just for you Sayoricchi," he replied, extending his hand out for her to take. His smile seemed to her wider as her smaller hand enveloped his larger one. He could feel the callouses on her hand yet they were so smooth, smoother than his. "Let's go-ssu!"

The scent of lavender filled the air as she got closer and Kise beamed as he held her hand, intertwining their fingers as they walked side by side, starting their date.

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