8 - The Empress Encounters

151 14 3

Akashi's eyes glowed. "I, who wins everything, am always right."

Unknown Number

Hello Takao-kun, this is Akashi Sayori. I hope you've given thought to my offer, please let me know if you agree.

Takao stared at the message on his phone, reading it over. He thought back to the previous encounter with Akashi Sayori, how Midorima warned him to not get involved.

'How'd she get my number?' the ravenhead male thought to himself, scratching the back of his neck. 'Hm...' Midorima didn't seem like he'd give it to her, especially after that interaction.

He thought over the offer she mentioned before, to help her manager with the Hawk Eyes...


How did she know he had Hawk Eyes?

'What the heck... this is super creepy...'

"Takao. Whatever you do, don't ever catch her interest. Don't accept any bets or deals with her... Try to avoid her and her people from now on... A word of advice, never get involved with Akashi Sayori."

Takao looked back at the message Sayori sent, silent as he recalled Midorima's expression.

"Shin-chan... was really worried," he said aloud and sighed.

Unknown Number

[Block Unknown Number?]




[Unknown Number has been blocked]

"I'm trusting Shin-chan on this one." Takao put his phone away, heading off to practice.

The bus ride to Rikkai was silent. Usually, there would be a lot of chattering and conversations, but this time it was completely silent. The boys sat on the right, the girls the left, and both captains and vice captains sat in the front of the bus.

It was tense. Especially with Akashi Sayori this time around. Her aura and overall person oozed with control and dominance. She demanded respect and the players knew to treat her with it. They couldn't help but treat her like a queen-


Atobe was a KING but Sayori was an EMPRESS.

"We'll soon be arriving at Rikkai," Kokori softly said to Sayori who was reading a book.

She merely hummed in response, flipping the page she was on. "Noted," the redhead merely replied, speaking for the first time since the bus left Hyotei.

'This... is so awkward!!!' Kokori thought to herself and she was pretty sure everyone was feeling the same, especially with the giant tension in the air. 'Please bus driver, drive faster to Rikkai!'

It was bright and sunny, little to none clouds covering the blue sky. There was a slight breeze which complimented the weather. It was hot, but the soft wind hitting against the students made the temperature bearable.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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