Last Ones Standing

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5 hours later

Merk maneuvered his men through the underground tunnels of the warehouse as explosions were heard from above
They reached the stairway leading to the surface and saw it was covered with rubble and fire but still enough room to get out
"Fuck, Yani come in we're about to exit the tunnels now, what's the ETA on our reinforcements?" asked Merk
"Tanks and reinforcements have made a breakthrough in the enemy lines and are driving the enemy back" said Yani
"So back towards us pretty much?" asked Merk
"For the most part yes" said Yani
"Great. How much are we talking?" asked Merk
"Probably every Russian left in our country that isn't at the capital city. There's possible rumors that the Russians are in a retreat back to the border though" said Yani
"They've given up?" asked Merk
"Here at least. Logistics are hell right now" said Yani
"Roger that. We'll set up positions and hold out for our evac. Adam keep two behind to protect the kids and wounded. Vse, kto ne ser'yezno ranen, ili kto-to iz detey, sleduyte za mnoy (Anyone who is not seriously injured, or any of the children, follow me)" said Merk
Merk emerged to the surface followed by the rest of his men
The sky was covered with smoke with the red of the fires overtaking the black color of the sky
Falling from the sky was thermite and white phosphorus making the surface look like hellish world with literal fire falling from the sky
Once they all emerged, four jets flew over head dropping a white phosphorus payload from it
"That's not fucking friendly. Who the fuck has aircraft still?" asked Triston
"Russians?" asked Merk
"Impossible, that shit is impossible" said Merk
"Merk those were Russian jets. This was all a diversion" said Triston
"Fuck. Yani report in what the fuck is up with enemy air?" asked Merk
"I can't tell you Merk I'm just as shocked. Nothing new is happening on the border but our capital is being bombed. After the presidential hall is secured we will begin our counter offensive" said Yani
"Yani I'm not worried about a counter offensive I'm worried about enemy aircraft in use" said Merk
"That's out of our control. Just hold your ground and prepare for evac. Friendlies five minutes out" said Yani
"Roger Yani. Set up a perimeter around our AO. Fire on any Russian foot soldier coming this way" said Merk
"No prisoners?" asked Triston
"Not a chance" said Merk
"Rah Merk" said Triston
As Merk and his men set up a perimeter as retreating Russians came into sight
As the retreating Russians approached they were engaged by the defenders
After the first initial wave more approached and in much larger numbers
"Merk come in, man down on the far right of the warehouse we need medical support" said Leon
"I'm on my way. Triston keep killing I'll be back" said Merk
"Will do brother" said Triston
Merk broke from cover and ran across the remnants of the warehouse to Leon as bullets wizzed past him
Merk dived down next to Leon who was keeping pressure on a soldiers stomach while another man put a tourniquet on his arm which has been severed at the elbow
"Chto sluchilos'? (What happened?)" asked Merk
"Pulemetchik. Pulemet KORD (Machine gunner. Kord machine gun)" said Leon
"Can he move Leon?" asked Merk
"Not a fucking chance. Even if he could that machine gun would rip him apart again" said Leon
Merk unholstered his pistol and put it to the injured mans head
The injured man slowly reached his hand out and tried to grab Merk's other hand
Merk reached out and grabbed ahold of his hand as he slowly pulled the trigger
"Grab the tourniquet. We're moving on the machine gun" said Merk
"Roger comrade" said Leon
"Yani to Merk come in" said Yani
"Go for Merk what's up Yani?" asked Merk
"Friendlies arrived and are pinned down next to the enemy retreat. They have superior firepower but the Russians have the numbers" said Yani
"What can we do?" asked Merk
"Whatever you can" said Yani
"Will do. Leon, cover me" said Merk
Merk broke from cover and ran back across open land as Leon suppressed the machine gunner
As he ran past Borislavian fighters he gave the the order to prepare a charge
Merk continued going around and informing whoever was left to prepare to attack
Finally he got to Triston who was preforming care on a Borislavian soldier and returning fire on the Russians
"Yanksy, we need to push" said Merk
"Merk we're down like four men. What about our evac?" asked Triston
"They're here but are outnumbered by Russian forces" said Merk
"Then what difference are we going to make?" asked Triston
Merk sat there silently next to Triston looking at him and thinking
"What's our probability of survival?" asked Merk
"Not high whether we do your plan or not, why?" asked Triston
"Artillery to cover our advance. Like some danger close type shit Triston" said Merk
"And you think these bastards are willing to run out into incoming rounds?" asked Triston
"It's all we got left. If they don't follow me then that's their problem to deal with. Triston the world has ended, there's nothing left. Might as well be put in the history books" said Merk
"Fuck it. I'll follow you brother" said Triston
"Damn right you will. Merk to Yani come in" said Merk
"Go ahead" said Yani
"Fire for effect on my position" said Merk
"Are you sure Merk?" asked Yani
"Remember us Yani. Slava Borislavu (Glory to Borislavia)" said Merk
"Slava Borislavu bratuka (Glory to Borislavia brother)" said Yani
"Kick these Russians fucking ass Yani" said Merk
"Indirect fire on your position within the minute Merk. Give them hell comrade" said Yani
"What are we going to do about Adam?" asked Triston
"He'll figure it out if we survive or not. We're not risking anyone else life in that bunker by leaving our position to find him" said Merk
As Merk was speaking the sound of artillery could be heard, Merk knew it was time
"You ready devil dog?" asked Merk as he fixed a bayonet to his rifle
"Let's fucking kill brother" said Triston
Merk stood up and at the top of his lungs screamed charge
Merk and Triston were the first to run out from cover towards the Russians
As the Borislavians fighting beside them saw them advancing they too charged forward
With the limited ammo they had and lack of choices left they all charged the enemy in the face of incoming machine gun fire and friendly artillery
Because of the artillery the machine gunner started to take cover and that's when Merk saw the best opportunity to take him out
Merk ran full speed towards where the machine gunner was set up at
As the machine gunner got up from cover back on the machine gun Merk was already there
He lunged at the machine gunner stabbing him through the chest with the bayonet
He pulled it out and drove it into his neck
Merk twisted the blade with his rifle and fired one bullet into the soldiers head with the bayonet still in him
He continued forward past the machine gun position and found the assistant gunner hiding from the artillery and mortar fire
Merk didn't hesitate to approach him and thrust the barrel of his rifle into the side of the soldiers neck
The soldier dropped onto his back and tried crawling away and trying to catch his breath as Merk approached him
He slinged the rifle behind his back and got down on top of the Russian soldier with a knife in his hand
As the soldier begged for his life Merk stabbed him once in the neck then began repeatedly stabbing him in the stomach until he died
Triston and another Borislavian entered the machine gun position as a mortar round exploded next to them
"God damn Merk" said Triston
"Killing time brother. Grab that machine gun and turn it towards these bastards" said Merk
"What about you?" asked Triston
"I'm moving up. Cover me" said Merk
As Triston and the other soldier were turning the gun towards the Russians, Merk continued forward
He continued towards Russian fighters who were going the opposite direction while fighting on two different sides, receiving machine gun fire from both and also dealing with incoming artillery
As Merk got close he was hit in the chest with a bullet and dropped down to the ground
Unsure if he was hit through his plates or not Merk got back up and kept moving forward until a mortar round exploded near him sending him back down onto the ground leaving his vision briefly blurred and complete loss of hearing leaving a ringing in his ears
This time Merk didn't get back up but instead stayed down lying still on his back as bullets flew over head
Suddenly Merk was grabbed and started being dragged
Merk grabbed his rifle and sat up just enough to be able to fire at the Russians until he was behind cover
Still being unable to hear he saw it was a Borislavian soldier that he's seen around the bunker before but couldn't remember who he exactly was
Still, even though he didn't completely know him he reached out to shake his hand and tried to thank him
The soldier shook his hand back and went back to firing at the Russian soldiers
After a minute or two has passed his hearing began coming back to him
Slowly very quite sounds of gunshots then everything came back at once and he heard the intense battling around him
He looked over and saw the soldier next to him firing off his last magazine from his rifle
Merk grabbed him to get his attention
"What's the situation looking like?" asked Merk
"Final mag. All I have left is my blade comrade" said the Borislavian soldier
"I have half a mag left, about twenty rounds left for my pistol. Are you ready to attack?" asked Merk
"I will follow you my leader" said the Borislavian soldier
"Good" said Merk
He handed the soldier his rifle and looked for Triston who was still on the machine gun suppressing the enemies and gave him a signal to start ceasing fire
As Triston stopped firing, Merk and the Borislavian soldier broke from cover and started pushing up towards the Russians
They caught the Russians off guard
As the two of them quickly approached they killed a few of the Russians before they all left their positions and scattered
Merk and the soldier stopped advancing and took up positions on the Russians old cover and continued firing at them
"I'm out" said Merk
"Advance and grab their weapons" said the Borislavian soldier
"No, we have enough room for our evacuation to commence. Head back and start getting our people out of here I got this" said Merk
"Now's not the time to be a hero" said the Borislavian soldier
"I'm already a hero. Now go that's an order my brother" said Merk
The soldier ran off and Merk hoped over the barricade, grabbing a Russians rifle and getting back into cover just in time to dodge incoming bullets
"Yani, evac is in progress. Repeat fire mission, add twenty mils" said Merk
As Merk was talk a Russian soldier came around and raised his rifle towards Merk
Almost immediately, Merk watched as the soldier was torn to shreds by a barrage of bullets
Merk looked towards the directions of the bullets and saw Triston giving him a thumbs up
Merk got out from cover and began firing at the Russians left in the area
Once he ran out of ammo he charged forward, chucking his rifle at the first Russian he saw
He grabbed his knife and drove it into the Russians neck
He pulled the knife out and turned around, instantly stabbing a Russian soldier coming from behind him in the stomach then through the skull
Leaving the knife lodged in the soldiers skull Merk charged at another Russian soldier with a rifle in his hand starting to raise it up towards him
Merk grabbed the barrel of the rifle and pulled him to the ground with him
As they were on the ground struggling for the rifle Russian was tackled off of Merk
Merk looked over and saw the Borislavian soldier who helped him earlier on top of the Russian soldier trying to shove his thumbs into his eye sockets
The Russian soldier then took out a knife and stabbed him in the stomach
"NO!" yelled Merk
Merk rolled over and grabbed the soldiers rifle and took aim
As he went to fire a mortar round dropped on his position and everything went black

Sergeant Triston Yanksy

"MERK NO!" yelled Triston
Triston dismounted the machine gun and charged forward towards the barrage of incoming mortar and artillery fire
As he was running past the people from the bunker moving to be evacuated he was grabbed by Adam
"What the fuck are you doing?" asked Adam
"I need to save Merk" said Triston
"Where the fuck is he?" asked Adam
"In that barrage of fucking artillery. Get these people to safety I'll be right back" said Triston
"Triston you can't be serious. I hate to say it but he is dead" said Adam
"He's not fucking dead. Merk doesn't fucking die" said Triston
He turned away from Adam and ran back towards the barrage
As he dodged incoming artillery fire he attempted to try to find Merk's body
As he looked over many dead Russians he finally came across Merk who was unresponsive on the ground under some rubble
"Merk wake the fuck up brother" said Triston
Triston pulled pieces of debris off of Merk and dragged him out
As he looked over Merk he saw out the corner of his eye, the Borislavian soldier who was helping Merk completely mutilated by artillery
"Merk stay with me man, we're fucking moving" said Triston
Triston picked Merk up and threw him over his shoulders and ran back the way he came
As he was running he saw all but one of the evac teams vehicles has left
Triston ran for the vehicle and as he got close he was stopped by Borislavian soldiers aiming their rifles at him
"Friendlies motherfuckers now help" said Triston
"Where's Kirill?" asked a Borislavian soldier
"I don't know what that is" said Triston
"One of our fighters. He's missing" said the Borislavian soldier
"Only one of us I saw out there was blown apart by artillery. He's dead we're the only ones left" said Triston
"Then get the fuck in we need to catch up with our convoy" said another Borislavian soldier
"Where's the convoy going?" asked Triston
"The capital. This is the Russians last last and where we win" said the Borislavian soldier
"What about my guy here? He's injured and unresponsive but alive" said Triston
"Treat him on the way to the battle but we must move now" said the Borislavian soldier
"Let's go. Help me get him into the vehicle" said Triston

They all helped get Merk inside the vehicle and drove off towards the capital
With the evacuation of Merk's team and the Borislavians inside the bunker also came the end of the battle for Dubrovka
With the only real fighting ready troops left inside the capital everyone's focus is on the capital and a true last stand of the Russian forces inside

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