Chapter 1 The Aftermath

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The V3 Survivors walk around looking for Shelter

Maki: Hey Shuichi Did you get anything like food ?

Shuichi: Yeah i have Chicken and pork

Maki: That's Good i thought we are gonna die after we survived that disaster

Shuichi: i know maki

(Shuichi stares at maki with delight in his eyes)

Maki: what is it ? Do you Wanna Die ?

Shuichi: no no its just you look sad maki and you know i am always be here for you

Maki: (Sighs) it is so hard shuichi thinking about kaito and the fact that he is gone and i missed him so much

(Maki cries and shuichi hugs her)

Shuichi: Maki i know it's hard but we gotta keep on living and i know that kaito wants you to be happy and i am always here for you

Maki: S-shuichi....

(But Before Maki can Continue Himiko came back from fishing)

Himiko: Um Shuichi ? Maki ? I caught some fish

Shuichi: Oh Himiko That's good did you also find a house for us to stay

Himiko: no sadly due to Kibo's destructive impact on destroying the School i did not saw any house or any shelter for us to stay

Maki: oh such a shame maybe the outside world is full of despair too but we can't give up right here

Shuichi: That's right Maki we cannot give up here and how about we just build the shelter for us

Himiko: that is a great idea i also found some materials for us to make our house guys

Maki: alright himiko lets make our house now

Shuichi: so maki what were you gonna say to me ?

(Maki blushed)

Himiko: Hehehe Maki i can tell your blushing Are you in love with Shuichi ?

Maki: WHAT?! NO i have Kaito in my heart

Himiko:But kaito is not here anymore and i mean you and Shuichi are meant for each other

Maki: i will just tell you later Shuichi after we done building our house

Shuichi: Alright Maki

(While Shuichi is Busy making the house Himiko keeps teasing Maki)

Himiko: heeeey Maki are you in love with Shuichi?

Maki: No and also himiko you sound like kokichi i think you like him don't you ?

Himiko: EEEEHHHHHH?! NOOOOOO I'M NOT i will just continue doing my magic

Maki: (Laughs) alright Himiko

Shuichi: Hey guys wanna eat dinner ?

Maki: Sure Himiko lets eat

Himiko: alright Ms Saihara HAHAHAHA

Maki: (Blushed) S-stop it let's eat now


heyyy guys so i just made my first Danganronpa v3 ship story and i do hope you support me and there will be more chapters to come so stay tuned for the next chapter

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