Chapter 4 Trouble Part 1

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(The Next Morning)

Maki: Good Morning Himiko

Himiko: Good morning too maki

Maki: hmmm where is shuichi ?

Himiko: maybe he went up early to buy food for us i think

Maki: yeah i know shuichi is working hard for us

(And yet again Himiko Teases Maki)

Himiko: hehehehe your in love with shuichi

Maki: ugh stop it you know what fine i admit it i am in love with Shuichi but you better promise me not to tell ok ?

Himiko: awwww i wont tell him i promise this is just between us

Maki: Good

Himiko: anyway it's already 9 o clock and Shuichi is not home yet

Maki: Maybe he is just in traffic maybe

Himiko: Hmmmm i hope so i got a bad feeling about this and i can tell cause i have magic

Maki: let's just wait

(Hours later brought to you by Rantaro's avocado)

Maki: himiko i think your right i think shuichi is in trouble let's ask some people

Himiko: Good idea

(Himiko and Maki started asking people around)

Maki: um excuse me ma'am but have you seen a detective named Shuichi ?

Girl: No sorry

Maki: damn it where could shuichi have been

Himiko: excuse me sir have you seen a Detective named Shuichi

Boy: ah yes earlier i saw him buying at the market when a group of kidnappers ambushed him and they traveled at that building over there

(He pointed at the suspicious building)

Himiko: damn did you saw any clothes so that we can follow them i mean we know the location of the building but did you saw any clothes they wear

Boy: well they look at this i managed to take a photo cause earlier it was very chaotic and here is it

(He showed the photo)

Himiko: ugh you gotta be kidding me


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(Suddenly maki appears after she failed to locate where Shuichi is)

Maki: where is he ?

Himiko: at the haunted building and look at the photo

(She gasped and crumpled the photo)

Maki: Kokichi's Group D I C E

Himiko: Arent they be imprisoned or dead or something like that

Maki: who knows we better get going it im sure Shuichi is feeling not good

(At the haunted building)

D I C E Member: tell me Where is Kokichi

Shuichi: He is dead now let me go

D I C E Member#2: Liar (he whips shuichi in the back)

Shuichi: Maki Himiko please save me

D I C E Member: im afraid that it wont happend

Shuichi: Let me go......


Heya guys thank you so much for supporting my book as ofnow my ranking in saimaki is # 2 and i would like to say thank you again hope yoy stick to the end

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