Chapter 3 Maki Confused

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As Maki Shuichi and Himiko Are Resting at home Shuichi wants to tell Maki something

Shuichi: hey Maki Do you like me ?

Maki: huh ummmmmm...maybe i dont know

(Then again Himiko Teased Maki again)

Himiko: Nyeh Maki i Can tell by your face that you like Shuichi

Maki: Noooo i.... i love Kaito I love him

Himiko: Ehhhh Dont lie Maki We know that you love kaito but kaito is not here anymore soooo i think you like Shuichi more

Shuichi: Hey Himiko Careful with your Words

Maki: Its alright Shuichi i know that moving on from Kaito is the hardest thing i do but i know im glad that you are here with me Shuichi it makes me feel happy and warm at the same time

Shuichi: Awww you can always count on me Maki Cause you know im Kaito's sidekick remember ?

Maki: hahaha i know well lets go to sleep now goodnight everyone

Shuichi and Himiko: good night maki

(As Shuichi and Himiko are sleeping Maki is thinking something)

Maki: Kaito i wish your here i miss you so much and now i dont know i have feelings tight now for Shuichi and i am so confusef

(Suddenly Kaito appears)

Kaito: hiiii maki rollll

Maki: K-kaito?!!!

Kaito: i am just in your dream Maki roll and yeah i heard you so your confused that you love me and now that you have feelings for Shuichi ?

Maki: Yes

Kaito: well i know its hard shiichi lost Kaede and now i died both of you lose very important and we cannot change the past however you have Shuichi now and i know that my Sidekick will always take care of you

Maki: i know we missed you guys so much but we always trained every night too

Kaito: oh really ?

Maki: Yep

Kaito: that's good how many push ups did you do

Maki: Around 500

Kaito: EHHHHHH well i know you can do it hehe

Maki: you know i miss this just the both of us talking

Kaito: i know me too but you gotta keep on living your an assassin right you gotta kill that sadness of yours

Maki: you are right kaito thank you

Kaito: well i will be going now maki roll

Maki: good bye kaito "cries"

(Kaito vanished)

(And soon enough Maki fell asleep)


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