Chap 5

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i'll do the deeshrooms chapter later

Dr - dream

D - dust

- talking
'' thinking ''

error pov


now that i explained everyone (bad sanses and star sanses) were looking at me with pity, until sci accidently pushed the door open, showing that he was clearly eavesdropping on us.

sci - say error where does this illness come from ?

Everyone zeroed on me.

E - hum.... it's uh......from....

Dr - i don't think he knows, right error ? you may be sick and know alot but surely you don't know everything.

E- yeah sorry sci, as i said just being near someone infected can make you sick. knowing the amout of aus i went to.

I - now that you reminded me, do you know what those red strings were ?

E - they were-

as i was about to answer said red strings appeared and latched on my neck choking me and making sure i couldn't speak. the sanses aroun started panicking, trying to get the string off me.

i calmly grabbed the red strings with my own blue ones and gently untangled them, keeping quiet, knowing that if i tried to talk so soon the red string would start to choke me again.

3rd pov

After awhile sci convinced the others that error needed to be monitored in a hospital, first because of his strange illness, second because of those threads making him destroy. So here error was, In a quarantine room so he couldn't infect anyone even if he wasn't in that stage yet.
Dream, strangely enough, was the one who came the most to see him. Error felt a like he knew dream, but he never even talked to him before, he knew they had called him error because of the error signs around his body. If they had chacked him they would have found his real name, and origin. That would be a problem.

Meanwhile with dream :

Dream pov

'' it's strange.... I feel like I know error, and this illness.... It can only be.... But... That would mean he's not from.... How..... Is error.... I have to ask him ''

I went to the hospital again, I had a hunch for awhile but nothing more. Now however I think I'm right.

Dr - hey error!

E - hey dream.

Dr - '' it's now or never '' may the sun light up your day.

E - and may the codes give you luck..... Wait what?

Dr -.... Code?

E - lumine?

Dr - so it is you!

I went and hugged him, it was him! I was right! I knew I was right!

E - how did you get here? You... You died back there

Dr - I know but the diety if feeling took my soul and added me in this multiverse. How did you get here!


we talked for awhile about our home land, and old memories until visiting hours were over, before leaving I went and kissed him on the cheek.

Dr - I'm happy to have seen you again code.

E - please call me error. I got used to this name.

Dr - then call me dream, my friend.

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