ᴀ ᴘᴏᴇᴛ'ꜱ ʟᴏᴠᴇ (𝘒𝘢𝘻𝘶𝘩𝘢 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)

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The [H/C]- haired female leaned on the balcony of the Crux, arms criss-crossed on top of it as she stared at the subtle waves with a forlorn face. With every moment that passed, the flaws seemed to multiply in her reflection.

"What has been enveloping your mind for the unmerciful ropes of darkness to embrace you, my dove?" A gentle breeze of air filtered of her figure at her lover's arrival; a light chuckle that left her at his fancy wording, seemed to have quickly danced away with the breeze as if a single dandelion being blown away from its place on the ground  to waltz with the wind.

"Nothing of importance, Kazuha," She tried her best to hold a smile that felt realistic enough when she spun on her heel to look at him, his crimson eyes glazed with concern. He was so caring, so thoughtful. So perfect.

It felt so wrong being with someone who was so much better than her. She bit back a bitter laugh, the disgusting and disappointing taste of reality on the tip of her tongue. Inside and out, the mortal definition of perfection. His alluring crimson eyes that would gaze afar into the horizon, the sunset reflecting in his eyes while he would silently search for inspiration for a new haiku. His tender touch, blossoming with care from his fingertips. His skin was clear, pale like porcelain, softer than the rich cotton jackets people wore in the cold. Whenever they touched it felt like static, it sent her heart into irregular fits of beats and jitters. It was almost hard to believe that those same hands wielded a sword with grace with the blessing of the wind, he fought with such skill. His reflexes were always on point, it was certainly eye-catching to watch him perform against his opponents. His calm exterior never faltered even when he was pushed to the very corner. The flowery words that left his lips would make her breath hitch at times; his mellow tone never failed to make her day better. She adored the way his lips quirked upwards whenever he smiled or chuckled, it was mesmerising how his eyes crinkled with pure mirth.

While she remained so undeserving of the beauty in front of her. While he was perfect, all she saw in herself was mistakes. She overheard Beidou and him speaking about how he'd leave whenever his mind chose to. She waited and waited, 4 months had passed and yet he still lingers at the crow's nest by the alcor. Guilt had consumed her being every time she thought about that conversation, was their relationship stopping him from leaving? Is he only with her because he pitied her? It would make sense; she wasn't much of worth. She couldn't compare to his beauty, his way with words, she was just so ordinary. Was he going to leave? Was he tired of her yet? The guilt eventually became a deep pit in her stomach, growing with each question that lurked in her head.

She averted her eyes from his, tracing the scratches on the wooden planks with her [E/C] galaxies, not being able to look into his truthful crimson ones. Her body tensed up; her palms felt damper than it should be. For once, she wished that the ship wasn't empty so she could use the excuse of being busy to escape this conversation. Everyone had gone into Liyue Harbour for more supplies and to meet their families. The captain had left the ship's responsibilities in Kazuha and [Y/N]'s hands. The chatter of Liyue civilians reduced into faint noises when it reached the ship.

The familiar feeling of electricity rushing through her veins when fingertips touched her chin, pushing it upwards. It was impossible to not look into his eyes like that. They were so entrancing, so welcoming, and just so comforting. Not even a map could help her once she got lost in his eyes.

"I cannot ever get used to the feeling of ecstasy whenever I gaze into your eyes. It feels as if a tingly sensation overcoming my being," He smiled, stroking her reddening cheek, "Though I cannot say I dislike it."

No matter what the situation or how sad she was, he was always there. Always.

"Though, the light in your eyes have gone dull," He hummed, "What can I do to numb the pain? To replace the hurt in your eyes with a spark of happiness, my dove?"

She pulled herself out of her trance, leaving his warm, tender touch by gently pushing away his hand.

"Don't worry, Kazuha. It's nothing," She gave him an apologetic look before walking past him.

"The winds picked up on your tears, they told me of your sorrow. Your smiles haven't reached your eyes, your laughter has been forced since the past few days." She froze in her footsteps. Of course, he would know. The ever-so observant Kazuha. She felt stupid for thinking he wouldn't find out. Well, sure, her acting skills are absolutely shit. Okay, maybe it was extremely possible for him to find out anyways.

Her wrist was encased by long, slender fingers. His grip wasn't tight, nor was it loose enough for her to get out.

"Do not say it is simply 'nothing' when it is about your feelings," he said, thumb rubbing small circles on her wrist.

It hurt him, the person whom he loved most was hurting and didn't seek comfort from him.

"Kazuha," She paused and looked at him, her tongue fumbling in her mouth for words. "Why...why are you still here?"

She sucked in a breath, hoping it would stabilize her form for even a little more time. "I do not want to hold you back, Kazuha. I know you tend to travel from place to place, you even said so yourself. I had overheard you talking to Beidou that you won't be staying for long. It has been 4 months and I- I don't, I can't be the one to stop you from achieving your goals and what-not. Please don't let me hold you back, Kazuha."

"Do you not want me to stay?" He inquired; his comforting tone switched into a serious one.

"No! It's not that-"

"Then, I will remain by your side."

She didn't know whether she should be mad that he was staying because of her or relieved that he finally confirmed his position by her side.

She shook her head, slipping her hand away from him as she spoke, "No, it's better for you-"

"[Y/N], I acknowledge what is better for me and you are what is better for me."

He didn't let her arm drop by her side, pulling it to his chest. He wasn't calm, the usual dazed look in his eyes replaced with a determined one, as if his goal was near. Just in arm's reach, all he had to do was grasp it with all he had.

"You've taught me greed; it is only fair I teach you the same. If you urge me to stay, I will."

He didn't avert his eyes away from hers as he spoke, "If only you could see through my eyes, you could see how amazing you truly are. There isn't a day, a single moment where you do not bring me a warming light of love and joy. If I were to tell you how many qualities I adore about you, then." He chuckled, gently pulling her towards him, "The blanket of night would overcome us but even then, I wouldn't be done. Even when the light of the blazing sun weaves its way through the night for another day to begin, words of my adoration for you will continue flowing from my lips until eternity meets its end."

His crimson eyes were so loving, his hand holding her wrist by his chest. Their noses barely inches apart, their cheekbones both tinted with the same shade of light pink. When she saw how sincere he was, how honest he was, she knew his love was genuine.

A tear ran down her face, her shoulders shook but it was out of relief. Relief that he didn't think less of her, he wasn't there just because he pitied her. She leaned her head in the crook of his neck, his hand leaving her wrist to rub her back.

The air hovered in silence; the poet was driven quiet. His flowery words, the calming tone of his voice. It was so quiet, but she didn't need any more proof. It was enough just to be in his presence. The mountains of weight on her shoulders grew light similar to the feeling of her worries dispersing. She was up in the clouds, free of burdening thoughts like a bird gliding with the wind.

"Archons above, you are so cheesy." Her laugh was mixed with sob, but to him, it still was a perfectly coordinated melody carried by the breeze.

Kazuha sighed but it was of adoration, his bandaged fingers running through her hair.

"For you, my love. For you," He muttered near the shell of her ear, relishing in her warmth.

That was all they needed, to bask in the presence of one another. To love one another, to cherish one another.

And to stay together.

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