ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ. (𝘟𝘪𝘢𝘰 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)

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 "A plate of almond tofu for my favourite person!" [Y/n] held the dish in one hand, waving at the adeptus who gazed blankly at the sunset while onto the balcony, his expression unreadable as he acknowledged her presence with a brief glance.

Even if it was a mere second, his sharp eyes could make her tremble. It's always been said that the eyes were the windows to the soul but when she looked into his, it seemed like everything was locked away along with his emotions. He was unpredictable, you couldn't tell what his next move was. It was almost petrifying to know that those rich yellow orbs held so much trauma, insanity and fear.

"Hello? Aren't you going to greet me? How rude," she said jokingly, walking up to him.

"What do you want?" His tone was cold, she expected that.

He didn't even look back at her, his posture stayed stilled, his arms criss-crossed on top of the balcony, his presence radiating with such terror. His hair danced with the wind; his green dyed tips went with the rest of his attire unlike to his black hair that grew from his roots. His mask hung off his hip, its patterns engraved into the wood as if each line and crack told a story off its own. His attire also seemed foreign to her, a pattern leading to another.

But that somehow didn't bother (Y/N), she thought it was unique.

"Why are you here, mortal?" Xiao looked back at her to see her holding his favourite dish as always, Almond Tofu.

"To deliver your favourite dish-" [Y/n]'s joyful expression was engulfed by one of surprise as the adeptus appeared in front of her, unconvinced by her answer.

Her breathing hitched, her orbs connecting with his honey-like ones, she'd never seen such sternness before.

"Don't lie to me."

Her skin dimpled with goosebumps; it took all of her to not tremble under his gaze. Even though she was shaken, she bravely continued to look into his eyes. Her nervousness was quite visible to the adeptus as her tongue fumbled in her mouth for words.

"I'm not," She managed to get out of her, but her tone wavered in contrast to his.

"Are you here to assassinate me? Or give some sort of information about me? Who do you work for?" Xiao's tone deepened, a scowl tugging at his lips.

"Why do you think that low of me? Even if I did want to, I'd try it a long time ago and die by the first strike," [Y/N]'s tone stayed calm, despite the slight quivering of her hands.

She never heard him talk this much.

Xiao's curiosity started to knock at the back of head, humans were like an open book. You could easily frighten them; you could see the fear in their eyes even if they acted tough. Humans were read like the flipping pages of a book in front of his eyes. They'd be afraid of him, their bodies shaking with terror, their eyes flooding with fear. His presence alone could shake them as if they were a fallen leaf.

He knew she was scared.

But why did she still persist to be with him?

He could see fear within her eyes, yet she was here, was standing tall in front of him. He could see her hands trembling. Despite that, she looked up at him with such bravery.

The adeptus felt a strange tug at his chest. Even though their relationship or whatever they had was just one-sided, he had a strong urge to protect the female. A fuzzy feeling erupted in his chest as he looked into her eyes, was he perhaps sick? No, he doesn't get sick.

Was it perhaps...?

No, he couldn't allow himself to get tangled within the strings of love. That was surely absurd. His eyes widened as he took a step back, turning his back towards her. He refused to be acknowledged by something so idiotic like love. Those strings of love would bring him down.

"You shouldn't uselessly attempt to come and see me as it will not benefit you in the end, mortal. The only path there is the path of regret and pain. I highly suggest you stop coming to me with your bothersomeness," With a flick of his wrist, he returned to the balcony, not even paying attention to the plate she had in her hand.

He knew he came off harsher than he intended to, but it was better than regretting his decisions.

"I wouldn't call it "useless attempts" if it was to spend time with you," She said before placing the dish on the floor carefully, "I'll be leaving this here, see you later Xiao."

Her words left the adeptus shocked but his back still faced her, she completely ignored his words. For some reason, he was relieved that she didn't listen. He sighed in frustration; she was almost too good to be true.

Even the wise adeptus whom roamed the earth for centuries failed to realise that he was already knotted into love's strings.

"Being nice wouldn't hurt, you know?" The female tapped his shoulder, presenting the all too well favourite dish of his in which he took with a small "thank you."

No answer to her question.

She also expected that. Though, she ignored the obvious hints for her to go away. The corners of her lips tugged upwards at the sight of the adeptus munching on his food. At least he stopped with the "I am accustomed to eating alone," thing and tolerated her constant presence but in return for that, they only had one-sided conversations. He barely ever replied.

"Hey, why do you like Almond Tofu so much?" She asked, pressing her back against the balcony, stealing a glance at him.

Of course, she knew she would get little to know reply, but she still tried even if it was pointless.

But this time she didn't expect his next move. He scooped a bit of his meal and held it in front of her lips, shoving it gently into her mouth as soon as she parted them. She savoured the smooth, warm taste, streaks of red colouring her cheeks. She felt his lingering gaze on her, raising her head she met his. His eyes so entrancing it almost pulled her into a trance. He turned his head away from her and went back to gazing at the sky, a whisper so gentle left him, you couldn't tell it was from him.

"Its flavour can be compared to a fond dream."

(A/N: Hello, this is one of my old pieces since I've nothing else to post and I love Xiao. Don't die.)

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