ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴇᴍʙʀᴀᴄᴇ (𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪 𝘹 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳) PLATONIC!

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(a/n: This was a request from @otaku84 ! Thank you so much for requesting and I apologise for taking ages with this. I was really busy. I hope you enjoy reading it! AND OMG THANK YOU GUYS FOR OVER 20K VIEWS OMG I WAS CRYING AND DYING HAPPILY DBEKHBDHKEB THANK YOU, I FEEL SO HAPPY!!)


Warnings: Mentions of blood, fighting, death and war.

It was loud.

The battle cries, the sorrowful mourning of those who lost their loved ones and the ear-piercing screams of pain.

The noise didn't cease. Even when the orange hues that the blazing sun left behind devoured the light blue skies. Even when the velvety blanket of stars engulfed the sky. It did not stop.

Crimson was splattered, painting the grass red. It didn't take long for the war to reach the little village [name] lived in. The happiness was stripped away from her, the life in her eyes faded like the heartbeat of her loved ones.

Her mother was a beautiful woman. She was strong. She gave [name] everything she could offer, she never lacked in giving affection.

It was sad how her mother's distressed face would be one of her last memories of her.

Her mother had hushed her, quietly leading her through the forest. In the opposite direction of the waging war. The feather that clung onto her head swished back in forth as she constantly looked around.

Tears were running down [name]'s face but she didn't dare make a sound, only squeezing her mother's hand.

It seemed as if the tall trees loomed over them, mocking them. The leaves that hung on their branches rustled, laughing at them. [Name] was too petrified to take a quivering breath. She averted her gaze downwards while they hastily but silently weaved their way through the forest. How long would it take before the blades of grass here were also painted in red?

Dread filled their bodies when the grass crunched before them.

Her mother quickly pushed her forward, sobbing as she whispered. "Run, [name], and don't look back."

She heard her mother yell as soon as she ran. As soon as [name] was out of their field of sight.

[Name] regretted looking back. Her mother was sprawled across the floor, her body limp.

Those were her mother's last words.

She needed to survive. That was all she knew. She was never taught how to wield a sword, being too young to do so. But she understood that her mother had bought her time, that her mother had sacrificed herself for her daughter. She needed to run.

So, she ran until she couldn't.

She couldn't tell if she was still crying, she couldn't think as she began to slow down. The only thing that circled her mind was her mother's laying corpse and the pounding ache in her legs.

She weakly looked back; every fibre of her body screamed. No one was chasing after her.

Relief was overtaken by resentment and sadness. Her parents were gone. She didn't know where she was.

The only thing that stood in front of her was a large oak tree, providing her shade from the blazing sun. She leaned against it, sliding down as she found no energy left in her.

Then she screamed.

It was hoarse. It hurt. Her throat was dry. But she continued with fresh hot tears cascading down her cheeks.

She was all alone. Or, so she thought.

"Let it all out, my child. For the wind shall embrace you from dusk until dawn." A voice above her spoke, as light as the clouds and as soothing as her mother's voice when she'd sing her to sleep.

White, pristine feathers fluttered in her vision, encasing her gently. Alarmed, she frantically lifted her head to see enchanting emerald eyes holding her panicked gaze. Clear, porcelain skin with a face so youthful, it was unusually mesmerising. He had this unhuman-like appearance, like the air around him, as if he were a godly being. He wore white clothing, that matched his fluttering wings, with outlines of gold. Strangely enough, she felt at ease. His aura was calming and soothing instead of overwhelming. He didn't feel like a threat, every nerve in her body told her to stay with him. He was safe.

"W-who are you?" She sniffled, wiping her tear-stained cheeks.

"Barbatos." He simply said, the corners of his lips tugged into a soft smile at the way her swollen [e/c] eyes flew open.

Barbatos, the Anemo Archon! Her mother would tell her many heart-felt stories about him. But how was he here? With her? In the middle of nowhere? How did he-

He raised a finger to her lips before she could ask any question. "Hush, we can talk about this later once you've rested. You have been through enough, [Y/N]."

He then beckoned her into his arms, covering her with his captivating wings to shelter her from the world. Her young mind was too befuddled to comprehend anything. She was feeling too many things at once. It was too confusing. She was too tired to feel anything.

He began to hum softly. The melodious tunes clouding her mind instead of the grief and sorrow she would've drowned in. Her breathing evened out from her shaky breaths and her sniffling came to a halt, her eyelids shut as her body rested against him. Matching his soft tune, the breeze swayed the blades of grass surrounding them with its own delicate tune.

He combed her hair with his hand gently, her grey feather that was attached to the top of head, tickled him. Her mother had prayed for her child to not be alone and safe. He had answered. Now, she shall grow and prosper within his company. That much he had silently promised. She will not grieve alone like he had once done. 

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