Part 12 - Polars Apart

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TW: Mild unwanted advances, Toxic parenting

Indu had a visitor outside the class after the 7th period. Swara was standing outside a window and waving at her from the corridor. She fidgeted with her sleeve for a few minutes, but smiled as best as she could. Indu walked out to the corridor and Swara walked up to her and held both her hands in her own.
"I had some free time because we have games now. I just wanted to say that I am exceedingly proud of you for your efforts today. Everyone noticed it, and it shocked us in the most pleasant way possible. You're doing beautiful, baby!" Indu looked up, doe-eyed, at Swara's face.

Indu could not form words, but her eyes worked overtime to get the emotions across. She let a sigh out when Swara's friends called out to her, and she looked at them, and with a sigh, let go of Indu's hands. "I guess I have to go, bye..." she said, her legs walking away. Indu did not even get the chance to thank Swara for her words, and she had to walk back into the class.

Sameera sat at the table by the door and looked up inquisitively at Indu. Indu just smiled in response and shook her head, showing that it was nothing important. However, to say that out loud would make it a complete lie. For the first time in years, she had experienced this, and her heart swelled so much with joy that she trembled at the idea that the bubble would burst anytime now. It was exhilarating. It wiped away all her Monday morning blues in an instant.

Rehearsal went much smoother, too. While the number or nature of mistakes barely went down, Indu fought hard to not critically judge or criticise anyone. Surprisingly(or unsurprisingly,) this made practice a lot more light and fun. She even talked with Mirzab about her weekend, engaging in light conversation. It made her exhausted, though she had been an active listener more than she had talked.

In the end, Indu was more than happy to retire for the day. She was ready to leave on her own, but Sameera stopped her.
"Wait a minute, babes - I'm coming too," she said as she threw her bag over her shoulders. The two walked in silence towards the buses. They were treated to a surprise from behind them.

"HEYY! Sameera, dude!" a familiar voice screeched. "Oh HI Indu!!," he added. The two turned their heads to find Raghav grinning from ear to ear.
Sameera fumbled to find words to say. "Oh, hey, how come you're here?"
"Oh, I had basketball stay-back today! It's why I'm this sweaty - sorry Indu," he said in the most genial tone Indu had ever heard from him. She glanced at Sameera, then at Raghav, and then back at Sameera in utter confusion.
"So, Indu - How's the practice for the play treating you? Is it fun? It's so nice to see you talking with Sameera now!! I'm so glad that you two are friends now!" He looked pointedly at Sameera while saying the last sentence, laced with sarcasm that only Sameera could understand. Sameera pushed her hair behind her ear and looked the other way.

"Oh, um. We're not friends or anything... We are closer though?" said Indu. Sameera's eyes shot back to Indu with a pang.
"Oh my god, we should seriously meet up sometime after school, Indu. I know how hard it is dealing with Sameera, so it'll be my treat to you for putting up with her." He guffawed at his own words. No one else did.
"Oh, no - nothing like that. I'm going now." Indu said in a firm tone, shutting him down completely.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's okay Indu, you can stay - the buses won't go for some time. You know that, right?" Raghav grabbed onto Indu's wrist as she walked away. The glare Sameera gave him could have killed him then and there.
"Raghav. Let her go. Now," she said, her voice dripping with ice. "She wants to go, she will go - don't you dare do that."
"Whoa chill man! What's got into you today?" Raghav said, letting his hands drop down. Indu looked at Sameera, murmured thanks, and went to the bus.

Raghav completely dropped his friendly aura as soon as Indu was out of earshot.
"So you haven't changed at all, I see. Become even more of a hypocrite, if anything."
"Raghav! Look, maybe she's better than I thought, okay? But I can't see you two together!"
"Oh, really?"
"Look, do whatever you want, but don't keep ignoring me like this." Sameera was desperately trying to keep it together now, and she was very close to failing.
"Maybe stop being such a bitch then." Raghav retorted.
"Ok, ok, just, please..." Sameera begged. Raghav's face softened a little.
"Hmm... okay," he said and walked away to his own bus.

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