Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Hey Grampa".
"Are you okay Amy, we noticed the ward around the barn ".
"Yes I'm fine, I'm with Scott".
Amy then updated Him on what had happened.
"I'm just waiting to find out what that powder was, be home soon".
After a good hour later Scott came through from his small Lab, Amy didn't mind as she was giving the small animals a lot of fuss, but this time it was different as if she had a closer connection to them.
" Well it's a good Job you caught him Amy, this stuff would of destroyed your reputation and possibly killed some of the horses".
" I can't believe he'd do something like that just because I'm not interested in him or working for him".
"He obviously thought you'd go begging him for a Job".
"Never in a hundred years".
"Would you like me to have a word with the RCMP".
"I think I'll sort this out myself, just between us, and whatever you think it is it won't harm any animal or human".
"What do you mean Amy".
"Well I know something that can almost mimick the effects of this but it won't hurt the horses, it's like cosmetic, then I'm going to put this powder in Vals office for her to find and guess who'll get the blame and sent back to Florida".
"Oooo Amy you can be real wicked when you want to ha ha, I'll wait for the phone call from Val then, your sure it won't hurt them or cause undue stress".
"100% positive Scott, thanks for your help".
"Your welcome Amy, bye".

Amy left it another week. There was still no sign of Ty, but Jack explained just how big the Fae Realm was and if Ty had to go to where he thought he would have to go, it could take longer.
Amy had been working hard and her reputation was really taking off as it took less time to help the clients Horse's. She still charged the same for her services although there were still those who doubted her gifts and went to Scott. Some he could help but most often he suggested they seek Amy's help anyway.
Jack had been up with the Cattle even though they had a fortune in gems and gold that they brought with them.
They'd got so used to the pretense of making a living they actually enjoyed it. On his way back he saw Jesse's empty truck parked off the road Just outside the Heartland Gate.
Amy was in the office checking on what she intended to do as payback to Jesse and hopefully get rid of him.
Her phone rang and she answered.
"Hey Grampa ".
"Everything alright Amy, I just saw Jesse's truck off the road, he wasn't in it so he's up to something ".
"Okay thanks Grampa".
Amy quickly went to the back doors and closed and locked them, then the front, then the outer door of the office.
A while later she could hear him messing about at the back of the Barn and then she could smell it, she quickly ran back to the office and phoned Jack then ran back to move Spartan and two other horses to the front doors tying them up for Jack to move after unlocking the front barn doors.
She heard the whoosh as he'd lit it and opened the back doors seeing him run away.
Amy was mad and knew she had to be careful so threw a blast at him knocking him out. She ran back and grabbed some bailing twine tying him up tight.
When the RCMP turned up they'd finally got the fire under control and the Fire service had taken over.
The RCMP had untied Jesse and put him in hand cuffs, they found the petrol can on the ground about 10 feet away and matches in his pocket.
Amy waited for them to arrive at the police car and asked if she could speak to him. After receiving permission she walked up to him where he had an officer either side of him.
"Jesse, WHY, why are you doing this, first the poison which I thankfully saw you mixing in their feed buckets and now arson, WHY".
"I thought if I could destroy your business you'd be desperate to come and work for me".
"That would never happen, I'd find something else to do. I hope I don't see you again for a very long".
"Did you mention poison Miss Fleming ".
"Yes I'll get the bag for you, apparently Scott Cardinal said it could of killed my client's horses".
Jesse was locked in the back of the Cruiser and Amy handed over the bag she'd put in a Secure sealed one for them.
Amy then went back to look at the damage and it was worse than she thought, the Barn was very old and dry so burnt faster than she thought it would.
Amy suddenly jumped when a voice rang out.
"Sorry I've been so long Amy, what's happened here".
She ran to him throwing her arms around him and kissing him. She suddenly realised what she'd done not knowing if he felt the same way and went to pull back, Ty pulled her back wrapping his arms around her and kissing her back, they stayed like that with their lips together until she had to pull away to breath but with a big smile on her face.
Although Amy pulled back their arms were still wrapped around each other.
"I've missed you more than I thought possible Ty".
"I noticed, and yes I've missed you too, very much Amy".
They kissed again for a while then started to head back to the Ranch house after surveying all the damage again. When they walked in Jack and Lyndy were so pleased to see Ty safe and well.
"Have a seat Ty, Jack will get us all a drink".
Jack turned round looking as he lifted his eyebrow as he's always done as if to say 'Oh right really'.
Eventually they all sat waiting for what Ty had found out.

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