2nd day

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We left off with introducing Savannah in the story and getting to know a few things about the characters including part of what happened between Elena and macus and nic giving his number to Elena

Once im home i just chill for a while and decide to text Sofia


              Bestie Sofie❤

                       You owe me 20
I still don't know
how he didn't get
                       He's trying to
                       change his
                       ways apparently
Hm maybe but
i'll believe it
when I see it
                        Oh guess what
                        he said though
Ooh what and
                        At the end of the
                        day he said he
                        wanted to
                        ask for my
                        number but
                        gave me his
Rodriguez? Did
you text him!?
                        yes him and No
                        I don't know
                        If I really should
Oh well it's
your choice but
I think maybe
you should see
if he's really
gonna be different
cause this is new
for sure
                       I know I was so
                       confused I might
                       Text him now or
                       might tomorrow
                       to see why he
                       wanted my
Okay let me
know though
even though it's
so obvious
                        How is it so
He probably
thinks you're hot
                        Lmao hilarious
You are hot so
                        Even if you find
                        me hot doesnt
                        mean he does 
                        but im gonna
                        make dinner
                        and go to sleep
                        so I'll ttyl


I cook dinner for me and my older sister Maria since it was my night to cook "this is good" Maria says as finishing up the rest of her food "thank you that's why you prefer my cooking over yours" I say with a laugh "sometimes I wonder why I compliment your cooking" she says shaking her head "because you love it" I say knowing damn well she does as she just shakes her head while smiling cause she knows she does to and heading to her room "oh Aaliahs coming over tomorrow" she yells back to me "okay I was gonna probably hang out with Sofia so tell her I say hi if I don't get back before I can see her" I say loudly for her to hear "okay" she yells right before closing her door to her room and I finish up and go to my room I listen music and work on a few things and eventually fall asleep

              Next morning

I get up and get ready and once I'm done I head to school and get there and go to class and wait for Sofia and she shows up and hands me 20 "well thank you and where are we hanging out after school" i ask "I was gonna ask you the same thing" she says "hm well how about we go walking around the city for a while to check out some stores and then get something to eat" i say knowing its something we already do often "so the usual thing yeah of course im down for that" she says and then nic walks in and takes his seat and turns around "hey" he says to me with a smile "hey" i say back returning a smile back at him and we both make eye contact for a few seconds until a familar voice comes in "hey Daniel we need to go 1 on 1 again so I can shove another win in your face" Marcus says while laughing and me and nic both look over considering he said it loud enough for everyone to hear we look back once more but then look foward back at the teacher "what was that about" sofia asks "he just said hey" i answered she nods her head but still giving me a weird kind of look but just ignores it class was a little boring today so not much happened and then was second so i waited for savannah i saw her at the door talking with marcus for a few I just looked away minding my own business but a little confused eventually she walked in as he walked away and she sat down "hey Elena" she says "hey" I reply "how was your night last night" she asked "it was alright a little boring just cooked, worked on some stuff and slept how about you" I say "it was alright just watched a movie with my parents and brother" she said with a smile "that sounds nice" I said returning the smile we talk a little more until the class starts and we have our side conversation in between but eventually 2rd period ends and its time for 3rd which was the same as yesterday but at lunch nic came to sit by me "hey stranger" he says with a smile "hey nic" I say "how come you're sitting by yourself" he asks "not really close with anyone in here I guess" I say "ah alright well you got me here at lunch now you won't be alone and neither will I" he says I then turn to him "you were sitting alone" I ask generally confused "dont you have friends at this lunch as well" i add "old friends theyre still set on things we did or what they liked me doing last year i want to do something different and well they just dont understand so ive cut off contact" he says i guess maybe he really is trying to change and we talk for a while longer getting to know each other better and he shares a few funny stories that made me laugh and eventually get more comfortable around him but then lunch ended much faster then it seemed to have yesterday "bye" he says and I just wave and walk to class and it eventually ended and then was time for 4th I sat down and then came Sofia and Savannah we all talked for a while when then Savannah gives a kinda scared look to us "I have something to tell you guys actually" she says "what is it" sofia asks getting serious and me giving her a chill down look "you can tell us anything" i say "me and marcus are i guess friends or acquaintences he helped me find my ways in the halls we dont talk very often so not like im close to him i just met him yesterday i just didnt know how to tell you because of the conversation of the two of you no longer being friends i didnt know how you might react" she says "i had a feeling you guys were friends or something its fine though not like you cant be friends with the both of us just cause me and him arent friends doesnt mean me and you cant" i said with a laugh "i thought it was gonna be something worse but yeah if shes fine with it then i am too" sofia says "oh thank god i was kinda scared itd make you upset or something" savannah says "no its alright" i say with a smile we talk for a while but then the bell rings and we all leave "ill meet you at where we always park" i tell sofia she nods and we drive and meet there we walk around for a while and get some clothes and little things we think are cute and then go to dinner and we just talk about anything and whatever we want to until the waiter comes and i get quiet so she orders for both of us and then were back to normal when the waiter leaves the food was great and so was the conversation

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