secrets coming out

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We left off where they all went to Matt's and nic and Elena ended up falling asleep cuddling and they went to get breakfast where Elena saw a familar not so nice face and had a breakdown and blacked out

Nics pov

We all here a loud thud "shit shit matt is there a pick to pick this lock or something" I say as I turn too matt and him and Sofia are giving me a weird look "you know how to pick a lock" sofia asks "yes I do" I say I can see matt about to ask something probably ask why I know how to but I'd rather not talk about that especially with that loud ass thud we heard "man come on you heard that thud she might need us" I add and he rushes and gets this pick type thing "would this work" he asks looking at it confused "yeah I mean I'm pretty sure it should at least" I say and grab it and try to unlock the door it takes a few try but I eventually get it and we rush in but carefully in case she's in front of the door we see her on the ground and rush over she hit her head on something and now has a little cut on her forehead and it's bleeding a little I hold her for a second "Elena" we all say over and over I eventually pass her head over to Sofia and looks under the sink and find a first aid kit

Elena's pov

I hear my name over and over as if it's being chanted or something the voice seemed to be Sofia, nic, and matt I open my eyes slightly and I feel the sharp pain on my head and lift my hand to where most of the pain is "ah shit" I say as I touch it and look at my hand covered in blood which made me flinch away and freak out a tad bit as a memory comes back

Tw abuse

"Babe calm down you're getting angry again" I say

"Dont tell me to calm down" he says as he throws my favorites snow globe on the ground as ot breaks

"What was that for you know I loved that one" I say with tears coming down as I finally stand up to him for once

"Who the fuck do you think you are" he says and smacks me

"Yo- you said you'd never hit me again" I say walking backwards slowly he raises his hand again and I run for it only to be pulled back by my hair and turned towards him once again having full terror in my eyes

"I didn't mean to hit you okay so don't you dare say anything to anyone" he says looking into my eyes as I'm still squirming to try and get away I shake my head okay so he'd let me go and I run for it again he doesn't catch my hair again but runs after me and grabs me by my shoulder "I said don't say anything you hear me" he says again

"No I will ruin your life" I say building up the courage I had left but once I say that he's not having it and hits me again and again and again making me step back each time and then when there's no more steps back just down the stairs I fall he seems to reach for me but it's to late all I feel is me hitting hitting a few stairs until I feel nothing because everything's gone black I then woke up 3 days later in the hospital with many bruises, a broken arm and rib, and bandages all over me including stitches I feel on the back of my head

"Elena Elena are you okay" I hear Sofia, matt, and nic all asking over and over and breaks me out of thought and I just break down and hug the closest person to me which is apparently nic since he was cleaning my cut apparently he dropped the bandage he was about to put on and hugged me back "you're okay you're okay were here, I'm here" he says quietly to me trying to calm my breathing that I didn't know picked up again it helped and I started to calm down and he let go to finished putting the bandage on and helped me up "are you dizzy or anything maybe we should go to the doctors to see if you a concussion or anything" matt says "no, no doctors I mean im fine its just a little scratch it's nothing" I say "are you sure" sofia asks "yeah I'm sure" I say they shake their head and we all go to the living room "I understand if you're not wanting to bgt they were concerned and wanted to know the story" sofia says "you don't have to though you can wiat til you're ready" nic says and matt agrees by shaking his head "no its fine I'm able to talk about it now it's just seeing him anywhere near here was to much for me in the moment" I says they shake their heads "so he's my ex... we met my freshman year when I was on a school trip and we traded numbers and eventually started dating my sophomore year we didn't get to hang out a lot but we tried our best to hang out as much as we could wasn't to hard for him to come here because his family had money so thats how we were able to things were well for a while but then he started getting angry and jealous over everything even me hanging out with Sofia and well it got worse through time one day he hit me apologized said he never would again but then did it one day again and said the same thing and eventually it kept happening like that it was a smack I didn't think much of it but i know I was scared and he made me promise to not say anything and then he stopped for a while I thought things were going back to normal... but...  then one day he was angry at me about something I.. I can't remember and he hit me again but more then one hit and I fell down the stairs from one of his hits and I was in the hospital for 2 weeks so now I got... stitches on the back on my head" I say tears falling down my face and nic sits next to me turns me too him and hugs me and just holds me for a while "you didn't deserve that whatsoever" he says in apologetic yet angry voice I'm guessing angry at my ex he pulls back and gets up "Im gonna kill him" he says out of anger "nic sit back down" I say with a breaking yet stern voice and giving a serious look he looks back at me and seed I'm serious and sits back down "it its in the past its been a bit over a year I'm doing a lot better let's not kill him let's just forget him" I say "are you sure I know it took a lot out of you last year after the whole situation" sofia says  sounding worried "yeah lets go somewhere I want to have some fun" I say with a slight smile "okay well there's this party I was told about" matt says "alright that sounds like it could be fun i guess just dont leave me stranded you know im not good with new people" i look at all them and they shake their heads and laugh we hang out a bit more and have a good time well the best i could have after everything thats happened and now its time for the party i go to my house and nic decides to come to he just wanted to wear what he did today "you didnt have to come with" i say with a a tint of anger thinking he just came because of what I told today thinking maybe he though i needed to be protected or something which i dont. "what's with the attitude" he says with a stern but confused voice "I told you guys im fine i dont need a fucking guard by my side 24/7" I say raising my voice a tiny bit "what I'm not guarding you I just didnt want to be a third wheel over there" he says in a normal voice adding a laugh to try and lighten the mood but im not having it plus I can tell he's not telling the full truth "yeah right even if that's true it's only part of it" I say with a still raised voice and i roll my eyes and make my way upstairs and he follows "woah woah woah I am but how would you know that" he says matching my raised tone "I can tell you're lying or not being completely honest at least" I say being a little louder "well that is the truth there's nothing else I'm not guarding you" he says loud still somewhat holding back something and we reach my bedroom "that's bull shit" I say loudly trying to close the door but it not slamming cause he stops it "I'm not though" he says matching my tone I roll my eyes pick something out what im gonna wear "I'm really not lying am I worried yes of course I fucking am but I know you can take care of yourself" he says being honest but still feel he's holding something back "yeah yeah whatever your hiding something" I say looking back at him and hes silent for a moment but stands up and walks towards me "that'd look nice on you" he says in a calmer voice pointing to what I picked out I almost smile at what he says but I remember what we were arguing about "of course you want to change the subject can't tell the truth to me for what" I say about to walk past him but trip and he catches me, our faces less than 3 inches away I get the urge to pull away but neither me or him do we just stay there feeling as we each let a breath out on each others lips then in a blink of a eye I feel his lips against mines he kisses me and im feeling something I've never felt kissing either of my 2 ex boyfriends or that one random guy but this it was something warm and comfortable that I felt all over but also a type of electricity that was all so new I pull away out of fear because of the new feeling we meet each other's eyes again and I see a sad tint in there and I close the distance again because I felt the need to I was missing his lips I drop my new clothes that I picked out and move my hands to the back of his head grabbing some of his hair playing with it and he has one on my cheek and another on my waist we make out for a good 5 minutes or so taking short breaths in between we start to make my way to my bed but my phone rings in my back pocket we back away and look at each in shock and i take out my phone to see it was sofia i answer "hey" i say slightly out of breath but not enought to where its that noticable "hey hun are you guys ready yet cause were all just gonna take matts car in case any of us may drink so that we'll only need one driver" she says "okay well um ill need a few minutes" i say "okay we'll be there in like 10 minutes" she says and hangs up "um i need to get ready" i say looking at the floor so i dont have to look into his eyes that might draw me back into those lips of his "okay i ill see you in a few" he walks out and closes the door behind him i stand there still shocked of that kiss but eventually get dressed and fix some of my lipstick that smudged a tad bit and me and nic walk out were almost at the door when I notice a tab bit of my lipstick above his lip I cough and point there trying to not let Sofia or Matt see and thankfully they don't because they didn't ask questions when we got in the car matt looks back "man you got something on your lip" he says looking at nic confused and Sofia looks back "what is that" she asks "we had some smoothie that I had left in from the other day so must be that" I say and nic just nods his head and wipes his lips again Sofia looks at me and him confused as I think she didn't believe it she leaves it be so I guess it worked somehow I let out a quiet breath and me and nic look at each other he gives me a little smirk and i give a little smile then we look away we listen to music and all talk a bit and then we arrive at the party

Thats it for this chapter sorry for the kinda cliffhanger but I hope you enjoyed it at least and yes it's another nic and Elena moment! What may it lead to though

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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