new friends

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We left off where you found out Savannah and marcus were friends but Elena was fine with it and Elena and Sofia went out and Elena decided to text nic after receiving his number prior



                          Hey it's Elena
Was starting to
worry you wouldn't
text me
                          wasn't sure
                          i was until
                          I just did the
                          at lunch helped
                          you get me too
Well glad we had
the conversation
                         Me too was less
                         then sitting
                         alone lmao
Oh wow thats why
youre glad🤣
                         Well I guess not
                         just that, you're
                         kinda cool too I
You know damn
well you think I'm
                         Hm maybe in
                         your dreams😭
Sure just in my
                         Well I wouldn't
                         say awesome
Lmao fair enough

We text bit more but next thing I know I'm exhausted and it's now already 1 am so we say goodnight and I fall asleep

         The next morning

Marcus's pov

I wake up from my loud ass alarm clock and my mom telling me "hurry up and get the fuck out of bed" I just roll my eyes and lay back down and look at my phone and really notice what time it is and decide to get up I just throw on some basketball shorts and a t shirt something I can never go wrong with and i get my keys and drive to school put the stuff I don't need in my locker and go to class but once again nic and Elena were talking again it's weird the two people I don't like that don't like me are becoming all buddy buddy all of a sudden i mean there's also her friend Sofia who doesn't like me much but I don't even know her I just know she doesn't like me but it's not like I care was I a little surprised yesterday seeing them talking yeah did I make a small scene by being loud for no reason I mean kinda but it was just out of shock I'm fine now so I just go sit down next to Daniel and we talk for a while I look back to say hey to another friend of mine to see nic switched to a seat closer to Elena and Sofia and now they are all talking and laughing and it's just weird at this point "why is nic all of a sudden becoming friends with them I know damn well Elena didn't even like nic at all when we were freshman" I say "shit man I don't know I just know nic trying to change or something like that" Daniel says "yeah I'd like to see him change" I say with a laugh "obviously it's enough for her to take some kinds of weird liking to him but I guess she's weird to so it's fair enough" Daniel says with a laugh "I guess so" I say because I know she's not weird just not very social another tbing that makes them becoming close weird but i just move on and the day is just a normal day for me different classes different people or the same people I sit with in third I sit with some of the other basketball players and cheerleaders one of which is my ex Cassie "hey can we talk" Cassie says "uh sure" I say a bit confused since we havent actually talked since the breakup "I want to figure things out I feel we ended things so suddenly and didn't even try to work it out" she says "you left me to be with some guy in the football team so nah I don't think so" I say "come on macus you know it's supposed to be us not me and that guy so let's fix it" she says sounding annoyed "ill think about it but honestly i won't get my hopes up if I were you" I say back and walk away lunch and 4th was normal and then I had some basketball practice for a while I workout and then I go home and eat and go to sleep

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