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We left off with a pov from marcus and a time skip and Nic, Elena, Sofia, and matt hanging Out and they end up heading to Matt's to stay there for the night

Elena's pov


We all head that way and right before I leave the place I text Maria "I'm staying at a friend's for the night" she just sends me a thumbs up and I drive heading there it started raining when I was halfway there and me and nic get there at the same time while Sofia and matt were already inside so me and nic had to run to the door and knock he took his jacket off and started holding it over my head considering I didn't bother bringing a jacket "thank you" I say looking over to him with a smile he just returns the smile and seems like he was gonna say something but they opened the door "took you guys long enough" sofia says as we walk in "yall left like 5 minutes before us and like completely forgot about us" I say rolling my eyes as I laugh she gasps and says "I could never" I just shake my head and laugh and go to the couch and so does nic I now have his jacket just around my shoulders and he places his arm on the couch right behind me although he does this often and he even puts it around my shoulders often as well I still get chills every time he does this but then feel comfort the second after and i mean it's not bad chills though just a good type of chill I guess I don't know how to explain it I just feel comfortable around him he's become on of my best friends even though it takes a lot of time for that to happen usually "how did you and Sofia become friends" nic says breaking me out of my thought "it's kinda funny actually" sofia says and looks at me and we both laugh "I used to think she hated me and then one day sophomore I had no one to sit with so I sat down next to her in class it took a few weeks to even have full conversations but eventually like a month or 2 after we became the closest of friends because of some douche who said we could never become actual friends and yet look where we are now" I say while both me and her continue laughing "look I was and still am talkative i didn't like how quiet you were the only time you'd talk was with marcus up until the end of freshman year at least or maybe I mean maybe if the teacher called you which they rarely did" she says "they knew half of the time I wouldn't answer the only reason I got away with that was because I passed all my tests so they werent to mad about me not answering aloud" I say we all just laugh and talk for a while more "I'm actually getting tired" sofia says and her and matt go to his room and me and nic went to the guest room "you can have the guest room" we both say at the same time and share a laugh right after "or we can share" I say not really thinking and instantly kinda regretting it "oh uh yeah I can sleep on the floor with some blankets and stuff" he says which makes me feel better for asking "or we could just both go on the bed the beds pretty big I mean" I say also not sure why that came out my mouth and feeling my cheeks get hot but I just wait for a response this time "yeah that thats fine with me" he says and I can't tell but he seemed to be blushing but I believe its probably just the lighting or Maybe just my imagination we both lay down and he turns his back away from me and I do the same we fall asleep until sometime around 3 I wake up and get up to use the bathroom when I come back nic is facing my side and I get back into bed and also turn looking to his side and I see his eyes open a slight bit "I'm sorry did I wake you" I Whisper to him "no well I guess kinda but don't worry I'm just a light sleeper it's not your fault" he says just staring back into my eyes with a smile we both look away but then I look back and I place my head on one of his arms and my hand on his chest not thinking in the moment it honestly seemed like a random instinct i got I then closed my eyes and feel as he places his other arm around me in that moment I felt so safe and warm something I haven't felt but was ncie and we eventually fell asleep like that I wake up the next morning and get up slowly to try not to wake Nic up this time and I actually successfully do this I then go to Matt's room and I knock on the door no response so I just think they are asleep until I check my phone to messages from them in the group

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