Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Leading up to the first task was an interesting turn of events. The Daily Prophet did not print anything too sensational about him, but did comment on the many mysteries that Heir Potter seemed to have. They even speculated on other magical gifts he could have, which was quite amusing to Harry and Justin as they had read the article together.

Justin, irritated by some of the ridiculous things the prophet spewed said, "I am the only parselmouth alive known to Wizarding Britain. I wish they would quit trying to give you the only famous accreditation left to my name."

"Not happy enough with your Boy-Who-Lived moniker anymore?" Harry teased.

"Please. I'd rather be known for something I could at least remember. Though if the Creevey brothers ask for one more bloody picture I might just set his camera on fire." The young boy growled out.

This caused Harry to chuckle, as his brother was starting to take a little darker approach to his classmates. Just last week Justin had been snogging Susan in the astronomy tower, and Colin Creevey had the audacity to not just interrupt, but take a picture as well. It was lucky Susan got a hold of him before Justin did or the boy's thrashing might have been much worse. Justin swore to his brother up and down that he was inches from feeling his girlfriend's chest up for the first time, and the bloody 3rd year Gryffindor prat ruined it. It was of course hilarious to Harry, but he chose not to poke at his brother in his time of frustration.

The training between the brothers was going splendidly in Harry's opinion, and Justin's magical prowess didn't just improve but it jumped. It was clear to Harry that Justin didn't flourish under other teachers because they weren't willing to push him to dangerous levels. It was when the boy was on the edge of defeat that he performed his best magic. His core was very well developed for his age, and his on-the-fly thinking got better everyday. Harry had little doubt that if he had received the training that Harry had, and the intensity that came with that, then Justin would be only a little ways behind his brother in magical prowess. It was also about time for him to prove it to the world.

They were two weeks from the first dueling session, and Harry had named his brother co-captain, much to the displeasure of some of the other people he had chosen for the team. Most of this was silenced however when Justin took down both Percy Weasley and Penny Clearwater in back to back duels. After the boy had stunned the school to silence, Harry just grinned and asked if anyone else wanted to challenge his brother for the co-captain spot. Obviously no one did.

"What class do you have next anyway?" Harry asked.

"Potions with Snape..." The boy said with a twitch of his eye.

Harry grinned, "Well, I have to get to class with Mad-Eye, so I can't say I am doing much better."

Justin shook his head, "You did not just compare the greasy git to one of the greatest Aurors of the last century, barring dad."

"The man's lost his touch with reality. You should hear him go on about some things. I know the man is well versed in the dark arts with how long he has been fighting them, but there is just something weird about it." Harry said curiously.

Justin shook his head, "It is a little weird. He seems different from when we were younger. It's been quite some time since I spent any amount of time with him though."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Seems like the old codger is losing it with age.

Justin laughed, "How's the map coming anyways?"

Harry sighed, "I've managed to replicate it twice now, but each time I do something new to it the whole arithmantic formula just gets confused and breaks down. Mum and I are working on a few different things, but we are starting to think the Marauders were more lucky than they were skilled at building the map. We can't even get the clock on it right."

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