Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The New Year's countdown had passed in the Delacour household, and the party was more rowdy than Harry would've anticipated. The amount of alcohol that passed through the venue was immense, and Anita had been right about the veela being in a frenzy after the duel. Many had sought his attention, and even took desperate measures to try and get it. Some were subtle kisses on the cheek, while others tried to get him to dance with them. One was even bold enough to rub against him drunkenly. This resulted in Fleur glaring at the girl, and even drawing her wand to threaten her cousin. Fleur had kept him at her side for the evening, and at the countdown she pulled him for a kiss that likely made a few jealous, not that Harry was complaining. He supposed they hadn't put a title on what they were, but he also knew he was promised a second date if you didn't count that evening as one. The intentions were there, but he knew he had to come forth about a few things before it could go further.

Harry had resolved to tell the truth before he returned home, and he felt his anxiety of the decision increase as each guest departed and it grew later into the evening. It was well past two am when just the family had remained. In that time Harry had admittedly consumed copious amounts of alcohol with Sebastian and the other men who were trying to learn just how he became so gifted in the magical arts. He talked a lot about his mentor without giving any names away, and how his parents had left him to his own devices when he was younger which pushed him to become the best he could be. It was the nicest way he could speak of the neglect he experienced, and none seemed to read too deeply into it. Also in that time, Anita had claimed that if Harry wished for their alliance then they had to agree to an alliance. Basically if the veela conclave was attacked then Harry would answer the call to arms to help them, and vice versa. Harry would've done this either way, but he was happy he had gathered his first official allies. It was not as important for his death match with Voldemort, but it could be very important for whatever he decided to do after.

Harry was thankful the alcohol helped his words flow though, because he knew the time to talk to Fleur was upon him when it became just himself and her family remaining. Gabrielle had gone to bed long after the countdown, and that was likely for the best as some guest's behaviour had gone well over the socially acceptable line for most, but Harry himself was enjoying the laid back atmosphere greatly.

Fleur and Appoline had gone to the front of the house to say goodnight to the remaining guests leaving Harry and Sebastan standing alone, and in high spirits, "I still don't understand how you summoned the tidal wave!"

"I've always had an affinity for water." Harry said honestly, "But in the last year my control of the elements has leaped as my magic reached its maturity."

"You will clash well with my daughter. Fire and water are opposite in many ways, but, à la fin de la journée, there is a sort of harmony to it."

Harry swirled the liquid in his glass slowly asking the man, "Is that how it was with you and Appoline?"

The man laughed at this, "In some ways yes, but she was more the light to the darkness that had descended over my country. My dive into the Dark Arts during the war took me a long way from what I was comfortable with, and almost crossed a point of no return. Had it not been for her perhaps I would have risen to be a Dark Lord here in France." Taking a long pull of his drink the man looked appraisingly at Harry, "Speaking this among normal people this would be quite the controversial statement, but something tells me you of all people could understand. Your must feel the occasional pull?"

Harry nodded his head, "Sometimes it is stronger than others. Before my family and I came to be on good terms I believed it was always a possible outcome. That I would lose myself in my pursuit of knowledge. My mentor always wanted me to push, and he would not have cared one way or another if I fell down that path as long as I never gave up. He wants me to change the world with my abilities, and I know he doesn't care how I accomplish it."

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