Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Staring into those green eyes she loved had her frozen. The expression on his face was even, but only for a moment. When it turned into a playful smirk, he opened his arms asking, "Aren't you going to hug your betrothed?"

This was all the invitation she needed to close the distance. Fleur had her arms around the young man so tight she was certain she was hurting him as he chuckled, "I missed you too, mon amour."

The words surprised her, but she sighed before letting go and then returning with a searing kiss. It may have escalated, but she had so many questions that she had to ask when they separated, "Where have you been?"

"Grindelwald and I have created a fortress of wards, charms, and defensive traps. It would take most of the population of wizarding Britain to capture our base camp at this point. It is there we are attempting to create a feat of magic that will change the world." Harry said with an air of confidence that she missed so deeply.

"What can you tell me?" Fleur asked desperate to help in any way she could.

"For the safety of everyone involved, not a lot. I just want you to know that I will be back for the third task. Grindelwald and I have a plan. I just had to see. I had to know you were okay before I went back."

Without a moment's hesitation, Fleur took both of Harry's hands, "Take me with you. We can iron out your plan together. We can come at this together, and it will give us a better chance of success. What is even your goal in all this?"

Flattered and touched by her words Harry smiled at the young woman as he cupped her cheek, "It means the world to me that you would be willing to take such steps for us to be together, but I don't believe it is necessary. Gellert and I have this handled. Our goal is for me to win this tournament, and then hunt down Voldemort this summer. Wipe out anything that keeps him anchored to this world, and put an end to him before he ever truly gains his power. Something big is still coming, and our endgame must be to show the world that I am not some dark pariah that is destined to be the next world-ending threat. Voldemort may not be enough. It is possible for the next several years I will have to go around the world stamping out every dark lord that even attempts to rise to power, but if that is what it takes to prove to these people that I am on their side then so be it. I don't want to have to look over my shoulder, or have you looking over yours just because of who my mentor is. At the same time, I can't forsake him. Not after everything he has done for me."

"And I would never ask you to." Fleur said immediately, "Even I can recognize that power like yours has to be guided. You are an incredible wizard, 'Arry, but Grindelwald turned you into what you are today. Gabby and I owe him our lives as much as we do you. Merlin only knows if you would've had the strength to interfere at the World Cup that day if you didn't have the training you do now."

This made Harry grin slightly, "Oh those sods were getting their asses handed to them regardless of who trained me. I had to save my damsel in distress."

Fleur huffed at this, but still managed a smile, "It will be the only time you will have to save this damsel, 'Arry Potter."

Putting an arm around her waist and bringing his intended closer to him he smiled, "I believe you. Now there is something I want to show you."

Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out a small mirror levitating it wandlessly for both to observe their reflections. Suddenly the mirror split in two however and Harry held out his hand towards the mirror chanting, "Sanguis foras"

Out of the palm of Harry's hand, a small cut appeared, and a single drop of blood floated in the air, split in two, and then touched both mirrors. Turning to face the girl who was staring at the mirrors in wonder he whispered into her ear, "Your turn."

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