Chapter 21- Old routines

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That night felt like she was in Hell.

After the punishment, Doctor Terries dragged and threw her into another cell. Her jumper was flung in after her before he shut the door and locked it with an echoing click.

It took a while but she eventually found the strength to haul herself up from her stomach and onto her elbows to tug on her white sweater. Then she made the painful journey to lug her burdened body over to the thin, yellow mattress in the corner.

She curled up and stayed in that position for the rest of that night, she didn't bother to bring the ratty blanket that laid to the side over her. Everything hurt. Her back throbbed as though it had its own heartbeat. The lacerations and welts that encumbered it were raw and bloody, even a single shift in movement made them scream in agony.

She was stuck in a pained limbo, she had no way to tell how much time had passed, there was no use trying to sleep, she could only lie there and pray for the pain to ebb away.

Pulling the jumper back on was a mistake, the blood on her back dried, sticking them both together like bricks on cement. She didn't touch it, however, fearing that any attempt to remove the sweater would tear the healing injuries and worsen her affliction.

Her eyes drifted to her pulsing wrists, they were decorated with large splodges of the colour of plums and obsidian. She licked her cracked lips and grimaced as the faint taste of blood assaulted her tongue.

Her mind went to home, wondering what they were up to, daydreaming that they were somehow already on their way.

She hoped it would come to pass but she couldn't count on it, life wasn't that magical, you were either lucky or you weren't and if her past was any indicator, Jayden was always the latter.


The tormented night finally came to an end as the tapping of Doctor Terries' shoes entered the room. He took his weak subject to the medical room and had the guards remove the bloodstained jumper to treat her wounds.

Unsurprisingly, she was bewildered by the actions, more so when a meal of a sandwich and an apple paired with a glass of water was brought to her. Terries pushed her to eat when she only dubiously stared at it and injected her with something he said would help with the pain.

After she forced her food down, she was brought to a room for schooling. There Terries taught and tested her on varying subjects including maths, science and Hydra history. Throughout, she was careful to not do anything that would warrant another punishment, for now, her resistance had been whipped out of her.

She was given pasta and another dose of medication a few hours later, and while she didn't complain, she was increasingly becoming more suspicious. If she was in the lab, food like this would be a fruitless dream, it was just like her medicine, what changed?


The following four days repeated with bandages, breakfast, schooling, dinner, and sleep. On the fifth afternoon, Doctor Terries had her practice duelling techniques. He was quick to anger when she struggled and brought her extensive shocks and burns to help with his frustrations. Despite her efforts, she muttered a couple of remarks in relation, earning her more punishment. She went to bed in pain that day.

The sixth was not a good day, she warranted another flogging, she was rather angry with the lack of liberation, it was almost a week, didn't the Avengers care enough to even try and help her?

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