chapter 4: A helping hand

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After the long carriage ride to the capital, we headed straight to the duke's home to finish escorting sue home.

Liem: this is the garden of the duke.

May: it looks nice.

We then stop in front of a huge mansion! Geez, this is just too much!! We get off and enter the mansion, then something totally nosebleeding happened. There was a line of maaaaaaiiiddssss!!

Maids: welcome back, young miss!

Sue: thank you!

May: (im in heaven!)*tries to not have a nosebleed*

I stared at the maids as we I heard a blonde man shout out sue's name, most likely her father. What was his name again? Alfred? OMG is he like alfred from batman? That means he can totally kick superman's ass!

Alfred: SUE!!!

Sue: hello father!!

Alfred:*runs up and hugs sue* thank goodness your safe!

Sue: im fine father, did I not write so in my letter?

Alfred: when that letter arrived, it felt as though my heart had stopped in my chest...

What a touching reunion, he then stopped hugging she and face me and the girls.

Alfred: you must be the adventurers that saved my daughter's life I take it! *bows* I thank you!

May:*shocked and nervous* i-its nothing! W-we j-just did what anyone would have done honest!

Alfred: I see. Your quite the modest one, aren't you? Nevertheless, you have my gratitude.

He then shakes my hand, while im in...I don't know what im in to be honest. This is going too quick for me.

Alfred: no doubt you know already, but allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is duke alfred Urnes ortlinde

May: I-Im tokisaki may, may is my first name while tokisaki is my last name.

Alfred: oh? Are you from eashen?

May:(dear god give me strength...)


Alfred: I you came to the capital on a guild request to deliver a letter?

We sat there having tea, except mine was coffee instead. We were explaining on how we managed to get in time to save sue.

Alfred: if you hadn't accepted that request, sue might very well have kidnapped or murdered right about thankful to whoever asked you to come out here.

May: yes, quite so. Out of all the nobles you know, do you know any who fit the description of said noble?

Alfred: one does come to mind, but without any hard evidence then im afraid we cannot do much.

May: I see....

Sue then came out and greeted her father, she wore a pink firly dress with a little tiara on her head. She looked so cute.

Sue: im back, father. sorry for the wait.

Alfred: did you talk with Ellen?

Sue: I did, yes. I kept quiet about the attack, however. I did not wish to worry her.

May: ellen?

Alfred: yes, that would be my wife. Im sorry she couldn't come out to meet you, even though you came to our daughter's rescue...she's quite terribly blind, you see.

Yae: your wife is blind, is she?

Alfred: she came down with an illness 5 years go...they managed to save her life, but not her vision.

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