Chapter 10

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February 10th, 2043
Falmart, Koan Forest

"We're not heading back to base yet boss?"

The 5th Marine Recon pulled out of the remains of Koan Forest, having only found ten survivors. Now that they were clear, they continued on with their objective.

"Nah, we're gonna stick around out here a little more." Mason responded to the driving corporal's question. "Satellites picked up a likely settlement about five miles southwest that wasn't labeled on the map. I wanna check that out first than we'll head back to base."

"Understood sir. Has base responded about the dragon situation?"

"Yeah. Drones and several helicopter flights spotted the damn thing leave our area of operation several hours ago. Since then they haven't seen it reappear. Base just issued a theater wide alert to keep an eye out for it and report it's trajectory to all units if it shows up again. We're to avoid contact with it for now. But if unable to avoid it, we're to do whatever is necessary to either survive or kill it."

"I'm sort of down with killing it rather than surviving." Stewart responded. "If that thing comes back and goes after us, best we kill it now than later."

"Lieutenant, this is Master Sergeant King reporting and suggesting a vehicle transfer, over."

"What's the catch King? The MRAP can't be that bad, over."

"These elves back with us are speaking that Latin gobbledygook and none of us understand a thing. Perhaps if you were in here to converse and translate speech for them, over?"

In his seat, Mason sighed and came to a decision. "Convoy halt. We're gonna change seats with the lead vehicle and MRAP, over."

The convoy of vehicles breaked to a stop as Mason unbuckled himself and grabbed his pack. "Grab your shit Corporal. We're taking the MRAP." The other marine did the same while leaving the engine hot as Master Sergeant King and Sergeant Rees exited from the MRAP.

"You boys take the ATV. We'll take the Cougar and push up as new lead vehicle." He explained to them as they nodded and passed by him. Climbing into the passenger side of the MRAP, Mason looked back into the cabin and noticed the ten elves looking back at him.

"You well?" He asked them as Eletha and the younger elves nodded. "Good. We continue moving."

Taking his seat and settling in, Stewart set the vehicle to drive and pushed on the gas. The larger heavily armored 6x6 pushed out of line and drove ahead of the L-ATV ahead of them, assuming it's new position as lead vehicle. Now the convoy was the MRAP as the lead vehicle, L-ATV behind it, LAV-35 third in line, and L-ATV at the rear.

With their new formation, the convoy continued on as they followed the dirt roads towards another forest where this unnamed settlement was located.

Using the rear view mirror, Mason looked back at the elves in the cabin. While seated, he noticed the curiosity in them as the younger ones were looking outside the armored, reinforced windows with amazement.

"Mister human —, Mason, how does this carriage move without horses?" One of the younger males asked.

The lieutenant looked back at the elf while pulling out his dictionary to find a proper translation and response. "Eh...machine is complicated. Lots of moving parts. Make's cart go when we want it."

"Is it magic? How do all of these parts move?" Eletha asked to which Mason wasn't sure how to give a detailed response they would understand.

"Engine." Was all he answered and left it at that as they began approaching the forest where the unknown settlement was located.

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