Chapter 1 - Genisis

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3rd Person Pov

Runeterra, quite literally Magic Earth, a world of only the two continents of Valoran and Shurima with 18 seas and 2 oceans with several archipelagos and islands around them. Home to plethora of superpowered individuals and technology intertwining the phenomenon of magic for the those without abilities to use in their everyday lives. However they are threatened by monsters of the lands and a malicious force known as the Void. Those with powers and are capable fight against these threats to protect their homes or their own ambition whether it's fame, fortune or power.

We start our journey in the vicinity of Piltover's border in a hunting area where these powered Champions eliminate the monster threat. The sound of gunfire could be heard as a party of these great fighters were currently engaging in combat with reptile like monsters. 

Gunman 1: "Be careful it's going towards your direction!"

Gunman 2: "I'm already shooting."

The two continuously firing their hextech rifles into the smoke before them where the monsters were. Another one came up with a different kind of attachment to his rifle and aiming forward towards the target.

Gunman 3: "Grenade launcher is up!" 

With that a grenade was fired from the attachment and into the smokescreen that was caused by the previous continuous fire before then blowing up in a glorious explosion. The first gunman held out his hand to signal to the others to cease their firing.

Gunman 1: "Stop firing! I said stop firing!" 

They all finally fully stopped their firing to allow the smoke to clear revealing the dead lizard like beast that had burn marks from the grenade explosion.

Gunman 2: "This... what the hell do you even call this thing?" 

Gunman 1: "Hell if I know? Do you have any idea how many types of monsters there are in the hunting area?" 

One particular gunman wasn't as old as the other ones as he was in his late teens. He was a dark skinned human male with small black spiked hair and black eyes, he was wearing appropriate combat gear in the form a black trenchcoat and holding a hextech rifle. However, he was on the thinner side and looked somewhat sickly while holding an enormous bag on his back holding equipment. His most noticeable trait was the pointed ears he had.

Gunman 1: "Okay! Everyone regroup and resupply, the target shows up here often without any warning. We made a racket just now so we will never know when it will come after us."

A few seconds after he said that the sound of rumbling could be heard and felt along the ground.

Gunman 1: "Damn! Right after I finished talking about it! Hey Adonis!" 

The young man from before put down his rifle and the bag on his back let out a small cough before looking over to the older man. One of the other gunmen offered to hold his rifle while another took the bag.

Adonis: "I'm ready."

Gunman 1: "Let's hurry! Judging by the sounds it's already close!" 

Adonis: "I understand."

The two others began to spray him with a special formula that was commonly used to attract monsters.

Gunman 1: "You remember the baiting route right?" 

Adonis gave a nod to confirm before covering his mouth to hold back a small cough. The others began to move back as the 18 year old young man rolled his left shoulder.

Gunman 1: "I'll be seeing you alive so be careful!" 

The men then walked away from Adonis who continued his stretching for about 30 seconds before stopping in wait. After a bit he sighed while scratching his head at the all too familiar scenario he was in.

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