Chapter 3 - Training

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Adonis' Pov

"I want you guys to train me."

My parents looked at me for a second while Fan was making her way but stopped I assumed form the lack of her footsteps I heard behind me. Dad was reading a newspaper while Mom was drinking from her mug that says No.1 Mom I got her a while back.

Umala: "That was random."

Dad: "But not completely unwarranted! I'll go get the swords!"

Giddily my dad bounced out of the dinning room to presumably his room to get his gear. I heard the front door close meaning Fan had left complemented by me hearing a familiar voice shout out to her belonging to a certain blue haired gunner.

Umala: "Well I certainly don't mind but I am curious as to where this came from. You had been off on your own for the past week so I assumed you had everything sorted."

"I just thought that it'd be more efficient to make use of all the resources available to me. Dad was revered bounty hunter and your former mentor was the Spirit of Ionia herself."

Umala: "Hmm, the logic is there. Alright let's go get your father before making off."

I smiled and nodded before we left to get Dad then made our way to the dojo that he started up when he retired the whole bounty hunter thing when him and Mama had me. He taught self defense classes and martial arts like Wuju, kinjutsu, Muay Tai and many more. Skills like these were very valuable in Zaun where the possibility of getting mugged increases the further down you go. 

The two of us went out to the mat while Umala sat from the sidelines to watch, next to a basket of weapons, as Dad walked up in front of me.

Dad: "Now it's been a while since I've seen you fight so let's have a little spar so I can gauge your abilities. You can use whatever else you have in your arsenal magic and all since Uma needs to evaluate you as well."

I nodded and stepped forward to get into my stance while Dad had an arm behind his back his other hand in front of him. My fighting style was about not wasting energy so I focused on the reach that my hand and arms have around me. Imagine it as a dome around me that represents the range of motion I had around me, I wasn't planning on using reinforcement yet so I focused on using this territory of mine. I inhaled and just stayed in place watching my Dad for any openings that he may have but I couldn't find any. 

Dad: "I'll come to you then."

He threw a palm strike towards my chest but as soon as his arm was in my territory I used my front hand to stop and redirect the attack so that his palm was facing downwards. Within that time I had thrown a punch to his chest twice. I stepped forward while gathering energy from the ground and my weight to smash my elbow into his chest knocking him back a bit.

'I'll use every source of energy available to me.'

Dad: "You really are my son aren't you. So young but have such an understanding and mastery of your movements so that they have the biggest effects."

He suddenly dashed towards my direction causing me to shake before I closed my eyes and regained my focus. Once his palm had entered my range I kicked his wrist then the side of his arm and on his elbow to make his arm go up and away from me. Using the opening I kicked at his chest twice with my left foot then swung a high kick to his head but he had blocked it.

'Don't panic!'

I removed my leg and went for an uppercut to his chin but he blocked the strike with his palm then went to hit me again. I dodged and threw two more punches to his chest then a quick kick to his head which he blocked. He then looked at his palm for a moment.

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