Chapter 11 - A Quick Competition

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Illaoi's Pov

"There we go!"

I exhaled as I reracked the bar after successfully hitting a new PR for my squat, I dusted my hands off and nodded in satisfaction. The sound of weights clattering and grunts being all you could hear in this gym here. Since I would be away from home for an indefinite amount of time I decided to sign up to gym in Piltover as it was important for me to keep in shape.

'I must find some time to bring Sarah here, get some meat on her bones.'

Speaking of people on the skinny side I noticed a thin built young man lugging around a larger weight plate which he slid onto one end of a bar then repeat for the other side. I had seen this young man before but he seemed to be more frequently appearing over the past few weeks, he was obviously part human but had yordle ears. He was wearing a white shirt with black sweatpants and grey sneakers.

He then added more weight until it was my new PR and went to sit down to bench it making me worry as an accident was bound to happen since the weight was obviously too much for him. I decided to walk over to him to detour him from injuring himself from ego lifting but I was too late and he benched 10 clean reps of that weight, though his arms were shaking on the last few reps.

I'd be lying if I wasn't impressed from how the outcome came out opposed to what I initially predicted. Hearing him exhale he sat up on the bench and picked up his bottle to drink from before fishing his phone from his pocket.

Letting my curious get to me I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder catching his attention since he had headphones one, he took them off and looked at me.

???: "I got like 2 sets left."

I chuckled a little at the gym etiquette .

"Ah, no no, I'm training legs today I wanted to say your bench was rather impressive despite your size."

???: "O-oh, nah I was pretty shaky at the end so I'm just resting for like 3-4 minutes."

I nodded in acknowledgement at the good decision.

"If you have 2 sets left and still feel shaky would you like a spot."

His ears twitched up and down before I saw a smile on his face.

???: "I'd appreciate that Miss..."

"Illaoi. No need for the Miss part."


I held out my hand towards the man-yordle who looked at it for a second before taking it, I clutched it and shook his entire arm.


Adonis' Pov

'My everything hurts...'

I thought to myself as I dragged my body forward through the monster hunting building's entrance with help from my cane. My current struggle with walking was due to the torture that Illaoi called a workout put me through.

Illaoi: "Make sure to come tomorrow so we can continue!"

'Honestly I don't wanna!'

My lesson with Qiyana was cancelled for the day due to her having to take care of some diplomatic stuff with Piltover's council so I had an empty day. However on my way to head on home after that gym circuit I received a notification to see that money had been pulled from my account for my phone bill reminding me that I had bills to pay. 

This lead me to come and get some monster hunting done so that I wouldn't be completely broke after all my remaining bills hit. After about five minutes of some rest I decided to get up with a groan, was the five minutes enough? Hell no, but time won't wait for me to fully recover so I went up to the board to see what monsters had decent bounties.

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