Chapter 14 - Qiyana Date

426 29 4

Qiyana's Pov

I left class with my phone in hand messaging Donnie for a little meet up to which he responded to, saying that it was fine. The past few months I realized that I've developed a small crush on the half yordle, the private lessons between us ended a while ago but we still kept contact.

"What should we go do? Where would Adonis like to go?"

I ended up bumping into someone so I turned around to them to apologize, it was a cow vastaya with white hair. I hadn't recognized her so I deduced she was a new student, however as I was about to walk away down the hall the girl spoke up.

???: "You mentioned taking out Adonis?"

I tensed up before turning around, scrunching my expression without realizing it then crossed my arms.

"Yeah, what about it?"

???: "So you're "Qiqi" that's been messaging him?"

I felt all fuzzy inside hearing that he had me saved on his contacts as that per my request but kept my composure in this situation.

"Mhm, what are you his ex or something?"

???: "I'm his sister, Fan."

I heard a whole crack sound ring in my head as I just realized that I had already kicked up an attitude with my crush's sister.

'Fucking great impression to make on the family.' "Oh, well it's nice to meet you!"

She had this blank unreadable look on her face making me feel awkward from the silence.

Fan: "Break his heart and I'll crush those pretty little teeth of yours, he's already been through enough."

The last part intrigued me slightly.

"Wait what do you mean by that?"

However, she already walked down the hallway assuming to her next class. I stood there with folded arms as Fan walked away.

'I heard she's actually a prodigy of a fighter.'

Fan: "He's been up and down, maybe get him to relax."

Hearing that I realized that she had gave me a place to take him out to. Seeing her walk away I remembered that I had somewhere to be and opened my phone.

"What restaurants around would be good for a first date?"

After a quick browse on my phone I then noticed an ad for an amusement park that was on today. Now with a clear idea of what I'd like to do I sent a message to Senna to let her know that I'd be out in a couple days before then making a call.

Adonis: "Hello?"

"Hi Donnie~"


3rd Person Pov

Adonis was currently outside of the amusement park on his phone, wearing a some black jeans, trainers and a floral patterned button up shirt, leaning on his cane. Children and parents walking past him to get to the amusement park, he noticed a young boy dragging his mom along excitedly. 


An 8 year old Adonis was dragging his mother by her frosty white coloured hand.

Child Adonis: "Mom come on hurry!"

His mother, Ymir Kokuryu, was tall for a yordle standing at 4'9ft with a more bottom heavy build, light blue braided hair and pink eyes. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans with brown boots and a simple black t-shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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