Chapter 1

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⚠️ I don't know what happened to the original version of this⚠️ I logged on this evening and I only saw my Magic Online story. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Mr. and Mrs. Henry live at Nettlecombe Close, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 0AQ. The house is connected to another house just the same as theirs, which Mrs. Henry isn't very pleased about. They're a Pure-blood family, but no one in the Muggle world knows that. They just think they're rude neighbors with the lack of patience with a horrible son, who is two years old. People aren't kidding when they say that the Terrible Twos are the worst. Their son, Jacob, is a night terror and a bitch in the making. He screams and cries when woken up and always yells at his parents for not giving him what he wants. Many of the other mothers have often given Mrs. Henry tips for a misbehaving child, but she always waved it off and told them that her "Jakey-Poo" is the best kid in the whole world.

    Mr. Henry works at the Ministry of Magic as a senator. He doesn't give Half-bloods or Muggle-borns a chance when they're sent to court, only if the Half-blood comes from a well known family. Mr. Henry is a man with a dark broom mustache and is starting to get a double chin.

    Mrs. Henry is Mom sized with chestnut brown, curly hair and brown, cold eyes. She wears fancy dresses, and even when she works in the small tomato and pepper garden, she wears the fanciest workout clothing with satin working gloves. She spies on the neighbors often through the crack in the fence, wanting to know what the Muggles are up to.

    The Henry family have everything they ever wanted, but they also had a secret, and their greatest fear was that somebody from their side would discover it. They don't think they could bear it if anyone found out about the Fizzles. Mrs. Fizzle is Mrs. Henry's sister, but they haven't met for several years. It came to the point that Mrs. Henry acts like she doesn't have one, because her sister and her good-for-nothing husband are as unHenryish as it was possible to be. The Henrys shudder to think what the neighbors would say if the Fizzles arrived in the street. The Henrys know that the Fizzles have a small daughter, too, but they have never even seen her. This girl is another good reason for keeping the Fizzles away. In their opinion, they don't want Jakey-Poo to be hanging around a freak child like that, even if she's a Full-blood.

    When Mr. and Mrs. Henry wake up on a dull, gray Friday, there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country. Mr. Henry hums a soft tune as he buttons his coat for work as Mrs. Henry gossips away happily to her old school friend on the phone. Jacob pitches an unholy fit at the scrambled eggs his mother made him, not wanting to hold his fork the right way and complains that his apple juice tastes like water. None of them notice a large, tawny owl flutter past the window. When it comes half past eight. Mr. Henry picks up his briefcase, kisses Mrs. Henry on the lips, then tries to kiss Jacob good-bye, but misses because Jacob was too busy throwing a tantrum.

    "Miss you already,"  Mr. Henry smiled as he apparites away, leaving his wife with the screaming toddler.

    Once he appears in the workplace, the whole team of Witches and Wizards are talking all at once like something good has happened. They all hurry by and say happy greeting things as Mr. Henry passes, feeling very left out, not understanding what the whole buzz is about. What's going on? Mr. Henry asks himself in thought, watching as everyone gives hugs and pulls out bottles of wine, looking and acting like it's the time to celebrate.

    With the feeling he's being left out, he walks up to the people, not even bothered by them being Muggle-born and Half-bloods. "What's the big whoop about?" he asks, tilting his head.

    "You haven't heard?" the one in a purple cloak asks in shock, excitement lingering in her voice. Mr. Henry shrugs, shaking his head. She lets out a happy squeal. "You're gonna like this, pal, really like it."

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