Chapter 10

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    "Hey, guys!" Mickey yells, running up to the two girls. They turn around and see Mickey carrying a big, cardboard box.

    "What?" Jane asks.

    "My mum sent my family and I some winter clothes in this big ass box. I was wondering if you want to ride it down the stairs."

    "Isn't that a bit danger-"

    "Yeah, let's do it!" Scarlett says over Jane, jumping up and down excitedly. "Where were you thinking?"

    "The Marble Staircase."

    They run over to the Marble Staircase, picking up Rachel and Randy along the way. Rachel was coming back from lunch and Randy was coming back from the library. As they set it up, Rachel is saying how much of a bad idea it is, while Randy just watches with a smile on his face.

    "Get your camera!" Mickey yells down to Jane. She nods and pulls her camera out of her bag, turning it on.

    "Wait, you're going down too?" Randy asks Mickey.

    "Yeah, we're going down together," Mickey chuckles, sitting in the box first, Jane starting to record, laughing.

    "Oh, William, want to watch?" Randy asks, noticing William coming out from the dungeons. He looks at what Mickey and Scarlett are doing and smiles weakly, nodding. "Then get your butt over here and watch."

    "This is gonna end badly," Jane tells everyone, recording Randy and William, who gives a small wave into the camera, Randy making a stupid face.

    "Everyone ready?" Mickey asks. Rachel lets out a worried moan, not wanting her friends to get hurt.

    "I'm ready!" Scarlett smiles.

    "Three! Two! One!" Mickey leans forward, the cardboard box leaning forward and thumping painfully down the stairs. The box started breaking. The two flinging out of it and tumbling down the flight of stairs. The ones watching exclaim, cringing everytime they hear the bodies thud on the stairs. Jane caught it all on camera.

    Scarlett falls on her face and Mickey does a forward roll on the last bottom few, landing on his back, the wind knocked out of him. Instant bruises pop up on their bodies, both groaning in pain.

    "Oh, my Merlin! Are you okay!?" Randy gasps, the four of them running over and leaning over the two.

    Mickey gasps for air, starting to laugh, sitting up slowly. "Ouch."

    "I'm alive. Barely," Scarlett groans, sitting up, her chin busted open and her wrist bent and bruised. William holds his stomach a little, Jane thinking he doesn't like the sight of blood.

    "Are you good?" Randy asks them, looking over at Jane. "What should we do?"

    "I don't know, this never happened to me before!" Jane panics, still recording.

    "We should bring them to the Hospital Wing," Rachel says. "I know where it is, follow me."

    In the end, Mickey broke a few ribs, had a bump on his head, almost broke his neck from the roll, and sprained his ankle. Scarlett broke her left wrist, two ribs, busted her chin and forehead open, and got a head concoction. Madam Poppy Pomfrey wrote to both families about the advent, Mickey's mom waving it off and Scarlett's dad getting mad at her with her mum and bother laughing it off.

    Jane has never believed she would meet a boy she hates more than Jacob, but that was before she met Zane Sharp. Having every class with him and being in his House, she and the others can't get a break from him. In every class, Zane makes an effort to try to beat Jane and Scarlett at everything, even if he fails. In the Slytherin common room, Jane and Scarlett notice a pinned up note that makes the two of them want to punch whoever decided that this was a thing. Flying lessons are starting on Thursday — and Slytherin and Ravenclaw will be learning together.

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