Chapter 3

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    The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor earned Jane her longest-ever punishment, which was very lonely, with no one to talk to, or a stuffed animal to keep her company. By the time she is allowed out of her room, summer holiday is close to over in about three weeks. During that time, Jane's family starts to get a little nervous, even if they think she doesn't notice. Jane doesn't know why, but she knows it's about her.

    Jacob already broke his new video camera, crashed his remote control airplane on the side of the house for losing control of it, and, first time out on his racing bike, knocked down old Ms. Sneed as she crossed Privet Drive on her crutches. Jane saw Jacob break all that stuff from her window or from the house, feeling bad for Ms. Sneed when she got knocked down by her cousin.

    Jane wakes up to no one screaming or yelling, making her a little confused, but happy. The sun is up and she can hear birds chirping to each other. Then she hears a familiar dog barking, making her smile widely, quickly getting up out of her mattress and running to her window, pulling the blinds up, seeing her friend down the street, Erin Johnson. She's walking her pug named Frank. Frank is a chubby dog who drools a lot when giving kisses, barking at birds as they zip by.

    Erin is the only one nice to Jane. She doesn't fear the gang Jacob has and lets Jane play with her toys when Jane sneaks over. Erin has black hair in braids and chocolate brown hair, a year older than Jane. Right now, she wears a white shirt with a pink skirt that goes down to her knees, with pink Crocs, a few pins on them.

    "Erin!" Jane calls from her window. Erin looks up and around until she spots Jane, waving back.

    "Hey, Jane! What's up?"

    "Can I come over to your house?"

    "Yeah, sure. My parents are at work though, but they wouldn't mind if you come over," Erin smiles.

    "I'll be down in about three minutes! Wait there, please," Jane smiles, Erin giving her a thumbs up.

    Jane closes the window and quickly gets dressed. She wears a blue collar shirt and khaki shorts, pulling on her black Crocs Jacob gave her after he didn't like them. She quickly brushes her hair and cleans her necklace with her shirt, running quickly down the stairs happily, her uncle waiting for her at the bottom, a mixed emotion on his face.

    "Jane," he says, looking at her, Jane on the third stair, dropping her necklace down her shirt awkwardly.


    He takes a deep breath, but something else comes out instead of the original thing he was going to say. "Have you done your chores yet?"

    "Not yet, but Erin and I are gonna hangout, so bye," Jane answers, squeezing past him and out the door, closing it behind her before he could say something else.

    The air is warm, the sky sunny and blue, hinted with clouds. Erin waves to Jane as she waddles over, waving back with a huge smile on her face. "Hey, Jane! You were five minutes, not three."

    "Oh, sorry. My uncle was talking to me," Jane apologies.

    "It's alright," Erin waves it off. Frank sniffs Jane's hand intensely, Jane giggling and petting Frank on the head, letting him lick her hand. "Oh, yuck, Frank, stop drooling all over Jane! And what happened to your hands?"

    Jane smiles, not minding the drool at all. He's just excited to see her, as he is like that with everyone he sees. Jane wishes she has an animal to look after other than Jacob's dead fish, floating on top of the still water. But every time she asks if she could get a hamster or something small like that, she's hit with closed doors, not even a peephole to look at. Even though they're making her attend Stonewall High for a better education, she doesn't want to go. She knows where her classes are and who to avoid and where and when to use the restroom. The uniforms are also gray, making her look like a scrawny school girl. Jacob is also hoping that Jane goes to Stonewall High, agreeing with his parents that Jane should go. When Jane asks why he agrees, he tells her that he just wanted her to go there and not his school. The last thing she wants to do is go to the same school with Jacob again.

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