Chapter 4

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     "Get outta here, you half-breed!" Uncle Arnold shouts, his voice shaky, but firm.

    "You leave my Mother outta this, she'll make a better wizard than you," Robin says, his voice leveling with the air of the room, his face growing dark.

    "What?" Jane manages to ask, totally confused.

    "Oh, Jane!" Robin gasps excitidy, waving happily to her. "Long time no see!" In all of Jane's years of living, she never expected a grown adult to be happy to see her. He looks about in his early 40's, but still looks young. He also looks very kind. "Last time I saw ya, you were a baby," he giggles happily. "Look how big you've grown! You look like ya mum!"

    Uncle Arnold makes a funny, rasping noise. "I demand that you leave at once!" he yells. "You are breaking and entering!"

    "Ah, shut up, Henry, you traitor," Robin hisses, pointing his staff at him threatenly, raising his eyebrows a little like he's going to do something, but doesn't.

    "You can't fight someone without a wand," Uncle Arnold smiles wildly, pushing Robin's staff away with a small push to the side.

    "What?" Jane asks again, wanting to know what's going on.

    "Cool," Jacob gasps quietly, looking at the staff with much interest.

    Robin removes his eyes from Uncle Arnold and to Jane, smiling again. "Anyway — Jane," he starts, "I missed ya. And I got ya something." He reaches into his pocket and takes out a pair of fuzzy socks. They're light purple, the heels and toes white. "I hope they're your size."

    Jane doesn't know what to say. Robin walks up to her, moving her aunt and uncle out of the way, leaving Jane standing next to Jacob, who looks shell shocked. Jacob was looking at Robin like he's the best thing in the whole world. He stood in front of her for a few seconds and Jane was not moving. He takes her hand and puts the socks in it, giving her an awkward smile.

    "You're welcome," he tells her like he knew what she was going to say. "Oh, my goodness, do you still have that necklace?" Jane takes her necklace out from her shirt, Robin gasping shortly, holding it in his hand gently, rubbing his thumb on the gem, smiling. "I gave ya that when we dropped you off."

    "Wait, what? 'When we dropped you off?' What does that mean?" Jane asks, finding her voice.

    "Hmm?" Robin asks, leaning forward a little as if he doesn't understand what she's saying. "Yeah, three of us dropped you off. Of course, I was the one who saved you."

    "You saved me from the house fire?" Jane asks, a bit of thankfulness in her voice. Those words made Robin drop the necklace like it was a bad piece of chicken, looking at her with shock.

    "House fire? Where the hell ya make that up?" Robin asks, giving her a strange look. Jane looks over at her aunt and uncle. "But ya must know about ya mum and dad. I mean, they're famous. You're famous."

    "What? My — my mum and dad weren't famous, were they? Am I famous?" Jane asks, looking around to be met with a bunch of sour faces, Jacob not knowing either, also just as confused.

    "You don't know... you don't know..." Robin exhales deeply, running his fingers through his hair, giving Jane a bewildered stare. "You don't know what ya are? What your parents are- what you are?"

    "I-I don't know what you're talking about," Jane shrugs. "Sorry."

    "'Sorry?'" Robin barks, turning to the Henrys, who are trying to stop Robin from going any further. "It's them who should be sorry! I knew you weren't getting ya letters, but I never thought ya wouldn't even know about Hogwarts, but for cryin' out loud! Did ya never wonder where your parents learned it all?"

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