Chapter 6

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    Robin shakes Jane awake carefully, encouraging her to wake up. Jane turns away, not wanting to be awakened at the moment. Robin huffs, picking up her gray camera, the one that she first recorded on, turning it on. "Jane is deciding to sleep in today," Robin says, recording Jane sleeping in the bed, holding her bumblebee PillowPet close to her chest. "Even if it's 9:43 in the morning, she doesn't seem to care."

    Jane mumbles angrily, turning to face Robin with sleepy eyes. "I'm tired," she yawns, pulling the covers over herself more.

    "Oh, look, she's alive," Robin giggles, zooming in on Janes' face. "Come on, we got a lot to do today."

    "Can we eat first?"

    "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're still serving breakfast at this time of day."

    "Get that camera outta my face, Robin," Jane smiles, sitting up, her hair messy, sticking everywhere, making Robin laugh at her, Jane patting her hair down a little, giving him a glare.

    "She's aaaalllllliiiiivvvveeeee!" Robin says like Victor Frankenstein, zooming in and out on her face again, Jane laughing back, rubbing her eyes. He ends the recording, placing the camera on the desk, watching as Jane stands up, yawning again, stretching her back.

    "What is on the menu?"

    "Fried eggs, sausages, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread, and toast. Your drink options are tea, coffee, or water," Robin answers, gathering the letter of things they need to get, the gray camera, and his staff, which he was using earlier. "Freshen up, we're going after we eat."

    Jane nods, gathering some clothes and her Crocs, going in the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. She uses the restroom, washing her hands afterwards. She got dressed and brushed her teeth, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She's pale and her hair looks like a brushed disaster. She knows she has to take better care of her hair, but she never had someone who told her how to care for her hair and herself. Yes, she gets clean, but she wears unmatching clothes and just looks like a divorced woman going through a midlife crisis with a drinking problem.

    After pulling on her Crocs, she opens the door and puts her dirty clothes by the window, where Robin told her to put them, putting the list of things to get in his pocket, handing Jane her camera. "Ready to go, Lil' J?"

    "Why do you call me that?"

    The question caught Robin off guard a little, dropping the key on the desk, picking it up just as quickly. "That's what I called you before ya got famous."

    "You knew me when I was a baby?" Jane asks with a smile, looking up at Robin, who nods, also smiling.

    "You were so small, you were a little bigger than my hand."

    Jane smiles like she has sweet candy in her mouth, putting her hand through the camera strap. "Was I cute?"

    Robin nods. "The cutest. I even went to your first birthday party." He pulls a wallet out of his jacket and shows Jane a picture of a baby covered with blue frosting and bits of cake, smiling. "That's you."

    Jane imires the picture, taking in every detail of her baby self. She's so happy and small, with no look of worry in her eyes, her smile toothless and gummy. The baby has light blonde hair that's curling a little, her eyes green. "We look so different."

    "Well yeah, ya grown up into a young lady," Robin shrugs, closing his wallet and putting it back in his jacket. "Some people look different from when they were younger."

    "Do you look different?"

    Robin smiles weakly at her. "A bit. Anyway, let's get going."

    They leave their room, Robin locking it tightly with the key. They make their way down into the main floor of the Leaky Cauldron, being greeted by a few witches and wizards, Tom happy to see the two of them coming down for breakfast. The smell of coffee and cooked food fills the whole downstairs, making Jane's mouth water a little. She now feels how hungry she is, her stomach growling loudly.

Jane Fizzle and the Philosophers StoneWhere stories live. Discover now